Using my local dictionary (/usr/share/dict/words) I only get 295 distinct 2 letter prefixes so to get unique 2 character prefixes we would have to give up some properties of the...
I rewrote the changes for the latest version; I tried adding a `--color=always | never | auto` flag, but couldn't find a neat way to do it with clap -...
With the above `shell.nix` running `nix-shell shell.nix` I get a shell without `krml` or `fstar.exe` on `PATH`: ```sh warning: not writing modified lock file of flake 'github:fstarlang/karamel': • Added input...
If there's anything else I can do to help resolve this issue please let me know. Thanks for your help so far!
If precision is a problem, would it be possible to create a type for arbitrary precision complex number matrices? (using fmpq?)