recaptcha copied to clipboard
Not generating the html custom template code when the custom display option is provided
I provided the theme option as 'custom', but it didn't generated the custom html code.
recaptcha_tags display: {theme: 'custom', custom_theme_widget: 'recaptcha_widget', lang: 'de' }
In order to generate the custom code i have used the below custom html code with above 'recaptcha_tags'. For eg like this
= recaptcha_tags display: {theme: 'custom', custom_theme_widget: 'recaptcha_widget', lang: 'de' }
#recaptcha_widget{style: 'display: none'}
.recaptcha_only_if_incorrect_sol{style: 'color: red'} Incorrect
.recaptcha_only_if_image Enter words
.recaptcha_onlf_if_radio Enter numbers
%input#recaptcha_response_field{name: 'recaptcha_response_field'}
%a{href: 'javascript:Recaptcha.reload()'} Another captcha
%a{href: 'javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type("audio")'} Get audio captcha
%a{href: 'javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type("image")'} Get image captcha
%a{help: 'javascript:Recaptcha.showhelp()'} Help
Is this the correct way of doing or am I missing something with the recaptcha_tags?
Isn't the custom theme just for CSS styling? I didn't realize you could provide your own HTML markup. If this is a new feature of ReCAPTCHA, I'm not aware of it.
In this doc ( ), take a look "Custom Theming" section