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A gem/plugin for Rails 3, Rails 4, Rails 5, and Rails 6 that enables client-side validation using ActiveModel + HTML5 Form Validation

Results 10 html5_validators issues
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From my spider test: ``` [979faece-c1e5-4d78-ac39-0b73b12863c4] [299:68.43] ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `auto_html5_validation' for Patchinfo:Class): [979faece-c1e5-4d78-ac39-0b73b12863c4] [299:68.43] 11: %strong [979faece-c1e5-4d78-ac39-0b73b12863c4] 12: = f.label(:packager, 'Packager:') [979faece-c1e5-4d78-ac39-0b73b12863c4] 13: %br/ [979faece-c1e5-4d78-ac39-0b73b12863c4] 14: = f.text_field :packager,...

Hi! I've noticed that ``` ruby validates :first_name, length: { minimum: 2, maximum: 50 } ``` translates to ``` html ``` To be 100% accurate with actual model validation, it...

The following Rails code: ```ruby # User model validates :state, inclusion: { in: ['unconfirmed', 'confirmed', 'locked', 'deleted', 'subaccount'] } # user edit view = f.text_field :state ``` can be translated...

Hi @amatsuda and thanks for great gem! I want to know do you have any plans to support Regexp in a future? Seems like this library really helps to avoid...

[`form_with`](, introduced in [Rails 5.1]( can generate form tags based on URLs, scopes or models (before the alternatives were `form_for` for model instances and `form_tag` for custom URLs). When including...

I think that Using `:on` is the same maning as `:if` or `:unless` in terms of handling the logic under certain conditions. How about is html5_validators disabled when validator has...

form.file_field :file, required: false the above line was always rendered with required: :required

Thank you for an awesome gem :star2: I propose configuration to disable specific validation. I want to disable only `maxlength` validation. I'm not too sure about the API to disable....

I'm using `auto_html5_validation: false` option for `form_for` tag with model object namespace. ex: so, it doesn't work. because variables named 'record' is Array... in html5_validators's form_helpers.rb L:22

I'm using Mongoid as my object mapper. So since I don't require the ActiveRecord railtie in my app the ActiveRecord on_load hook doesn't run and the ActiveModel helper methods don't...