Alberto F. Martin
Alberto F. Martin
Find below a MWE which reproduces a (very) nasty BUG we have found in the implementation of `change_domain` among `SkeletonTriangulation`s. The BUG exposes itself whenever one wants to change_domain among...
I am positive the following definition ```julia function Gridap.CellData.mean(a::Gridap.Geometry.SkeletonPair{
@fverdugo ... test/sequential/ElasticityDriver.jl fails with PETSc compiled in DEBUG mode on my machine The error is: ``` [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message -------------------------------------------------------------- [0]PETSC ERROR: Invalid argument [0]PETSC ERROR: Vector...
At present the current implementation of PETScNonLinearSolver is not fully optimized. These are the main problems. * [ ] Residuals and jacobians are copied back and forth from PArrays to...
> Dear PETSc users, > What is the main reason underlying PetscDestroy subroutines having global collective semantics? Is this actually true for all > PETSc objects? Can this be relaxed/deactivated...