gun icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gun copied to clipboard

Buffer is not defined in ison.js when using Vite build tool

Open davay42 opened this issue 2 years ago • 6 comments

Снимок экрана 2022-02-15 в 12 17 12

Store adapter isn't working in recent GitHub version. Throws the error on app initiation. @amark

Here's the repro:

davay42 avatar Feb 15 '22 09:02 davay42

Here's the hack that makes the new Gun v. 0.2020.1236 work with Vite. Had to use and for it. Seems ok as they're quite small in size.

davay42 avatar Mar 22 '22 21:03 davay42

That's pretty strange @amark: why introduce such dependencies node dependencies? It used to work without it before and adding these introduces polyfill so gunjs can work on a browser... (at least, as far as I can understand)

philippedasilva-orizone avatar Mar 22 '22 21:03 philippedasilva-orizone

As I understand the problem appears only for Vite build system. When people use the compiled Gun.js in the browser everything works fine.

davay42 avatar Mar 23 '22 08:03 davay42

As I understand the problem appears only for Vite build system.

I faced the same in rollup

atordvairn avatar Mar 23 '22 08:03 atordvairn

For those TypeScript users out there, just found out that instead of:

document.setImmediate = setImmediate 

which will throw an error, we can use:

window.setImmediate = setTimeout

Btw, it also avoids us to add a dependency to ;)

philippedasilva-orizone avatar Mar 23 '22 09:03 philippedasilva-orizone

@philippedasilva-orizone Thank you for the update! That works just fine! �

// polyfiils for Gun 0.2020.1236
import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
window.Buffer = Buffer
window.setImmediate = setTimeout

davay42 avatar Mar 23 '22 16:03 davay42