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Linux i2c library, support C/C++/Python
Linux userspace i2c library.
Support C/C++ and Python.
Support Python2+, Python3+
Support multiple bus and devices.
Support 7-bit and 10-bit i2c slave address.
Support 1 - 4 byte internal address, auto convert.
Provide read/write/ioctl functions to operate i2c device.
Support 8/16/32/64/128/256 bytes page aligned write, read/write length are unlimited.
Using ioctl functions operate i2c can ignore i2c device ack signal and internal address.
sudo python install
sudo make install
sudo make install PYTHON=pythonX.X
i2c_ioctl_write (once max 16 bytes) are more efficient than i2c_write (once max 4 bytes).
/* Close i2c bus */
void i2c_close(int bus);
/* Open i2c bus, return i2c bus fd */
int i2c_open(const char *bus_name);
/* I2C file I/O read, write */
ssize_t i2c_read(const I2CDevice *device, unsigned int iaddr, void *buf, size_t len);
ssize_t i2c_write(const I2CDevice *device, unsigned int iaddr, const void *buf, size_t len);
/* I2c ioctl read, write can set i2c flags */
ssize_t i2c_ioctl_read(const I2CDevice *device, unsigned int iaddr, void *buf, size_t len);
ssize_t i2c_ioctl_write(const I2CDevice *device, unsigned int iaddr, const void *buf, size_t len);
Data structure
typedef struct i2c_device {
int bus; /* I2C Bus fd, return from i2c_open */
unsigned short addr; /* I2C device(slave) address */
unsigned char tenbit; /* I2C is 10 bit device address */
unsigned char delay; /* I2C internal operate delay, unit millisecond */
unsigned short flags; /* I2C i2c_ioctl_read/write flags */
unsigned int page_bytes; /* I2C max number of bytes per page, 1K/2K 8, 4K/8K/16K 16, 32K/64K 32 etc */
unsigned int iaddr_bytes; /* I2C device internal(word) address bytes, such as: 24C04 1 byte, 24C64 2 bytes */
I2CDevice object
I2CDevice(bus, addr, tenbit=False, iaddr_bytes=1, page_bytes=8, delay=1, flags=0)
tenbit, delay, flags, page_bytes, iaddr_bytes are attributes can setter/getter after init
required args: bus, addr.
optional args: tenbit(defult False, 7-bit), delay(defualt 1ms), flags(defualt 0), iaddr_bytes(defualt 1 byte internal address), page_bytes(default 8 bytes per page).
C/C++ Usage
1. First call i2c_open
open i2c bus.
int bus;
/* Open i2c bus /dev/i2c-0 */
if ((bus = i2c_open("/dev/i2c-0")) == -1) {
/* Error process */
2. Second fill I2CDevice
struct, prepare read or write.
I2CDevice device;
memset(&device, 0, sizeof(device));
/* 24C04 */
device.bus = bus; /* Bus 0 */
device.addr = 0x50; /* Slave address is 0x50, 7-bit */
device.iaddr_bytes = 1; /* Device internal address is 1 byte */
device.page_bytes = 16; /* Device are capable of 16 bytes per page */
3. Call i2c_read/write
or i2c_ioctl_read/write
read or write i2c device.
unsigned char buffer[256];
ssize_t size = sizeof(buffer);
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
/* From i2c 0x0 address read 256 bytes data to buffer */
if ((i2c_read(&device, 0x0, buffer, size)) != size) {
/* Error process */
4. Close i2c bus i2c_close(bus)
Python Usage
import ctypes
import pylibi2c
# Open i2c device @/dev/i2c-0, addr 0x50.
i2c = pylibi2c.I2CDevice('/dev/i2c-0', 0x50)
# Open i2c device @/dev/i2c-0, addr 0x50, 16bits internal address
i2c = pylibi2c.I2CDevice('/dev/i2c-0', 0x50, iaddr_bytes=2)
# Set delay
i2c.delay = 10
# Set page_bytes
i2c.page_bytes = 16
# Set flags
i2c.flags = pylibi2c.I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK
# Python2
buf = bytes(bytearray(256))
# Python3
buf = bytes(256)
# Write data to i2c, buf must be read-only type
size = i2c.write(0x0, buf)
# From i2c 0x0(internal address) read 256 bytes data, using ioctl_read.
data = i2c.ioctl_read(0x0, 256)
If i2c device do not have internal address, please use
function for read/write, set'iaddr_bytes=0
. -
If want ignore i2c device nak signal, please use
function, set I2CDevice.falgs asI2C_M_IGNORE_NCK