I just tested `optimize-highlighters` branch with example.journal.txt briefly. Now, syntax highlighting seems to be a lot faster. But, you mention `hacky` in your commit. I don't like hacks. Wouldn't the...
I just tested it. It's fixed.
Not everything from krobelus has been merged, but it seems fast already.
getDnsDomainName gets hostname instead of DNS domain name.
You don't use emptty everyday?
Here's how you set DNS domain. * Don't change hostname * Add `domain xxx` to /etc/resolv.conf * Add `` to /etc/hosts * Restart emptty. For example, if your DNS domain...
You probably want to mimick the behavior of dnsdomainname from net-tools which also contains hostname executable.
I just tested the latest commit. It works on my system, but I don't know whether it works on other kinds of setups.
I just analyzed net-tools sourcecode and extracted the part that obtains dns domain. ``` #include #include #include #include int main() { char myname[512]; gethostname(myname, sizeof(myname)); char *dnsdomain = strchr(gethostbyname(myname)->h_name, '.')+1;...
``` char *dom = NULL; char *host = xgethostname(); struct addrinfo hints, *info = NULL; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME; if (host && getaddrinfo(host, NULL, &hints, &info) == 0...