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Flutter tools for Emacs



Emacs tools for working with the Flutter SDK


Run your app

Flutter.el helps you run the flutter binary interactively as an inferior process. It's designed to work together with dart-mode: for instance the example configuration below binds flutter-run-or-hot-reload to C-M-x in dart-mode. While editing your Dart code, just hit C-M-x to either run your app, or if it's already running, to hot-reload it.

Localize your app

Any non-trivial app will require localization, but if you're like me you probably write your code first and worry about externalizing your strings (moving their definitions to a separate file) later.

Flutter.el comes with some helpful features to make externalizing strings easier, assuming you are following best practices:

  • flutter-l10n-externalize-all: A function that interactively does the following for each string literal in the current buffer:

    1. Prompts you to give an ID (class property name) to the string, e.g. myString
    2. Replaces the string literal with a reference to the localizations class, e.g. MyLocalizations.of(context).myString
    3. Deletes any const keywords that apply to the reference
    4. Appends the original string content as an end-of-line comment
    5. Appends a definition for the string to the template ARB file, e.g.
    "myString": "Hello, world!",
  • flutter-l10n-externalize-at-point: Does all of the above but for the string literal at point only; kills the definition instead of adding it to the template ARB file.

Run tests

Flutter.el helps you run tests of your flutter application. There are 3 commands available:

  • flutter-test-all - run all tests from a flutter project.
  • flutter-test-current-file - run all tests inside the current file.
  • flutter-test-at-point - run single test or group of tests at point.

Easily activate keybindings for these with the flutter-test-mode minor mode.


You can install from MELPA with package.el.

First get started with MELPA, then run:

M-x package-install flutter


Set flutter-sdk-path to the location of your Flutter SDK. This isn't even necessary if the flutter binary is on your PATH.

The localization tools will read your /l10n.yaml file by default, but alternatively you can set the following variables:

  • flutter-l10n-arb-dir: The relative path from project root where your ARB files are stored
  • flutter-l10n-template-arb-file: The name of the ARB file that represents the default (source) language for your app
  • flutter-l10n-output-localization-file: The name of the generated Dart file that you use in your app


Using use-package and assuming you put the Flutter SDK in /Applications/flutter:

;; Assuming usage with dart-mode
(use-package dart-mode
  ;; Optional
  :hook (dart-mode . flutter-test-mode))

(use-package flutter
  :after dart-mode
  :bind (:map dart-mode-map
              ("C-M-x" . #'flutter-run-or-hot-reload))
  (flutter-sdk-path "/Applications/flutter/"))
