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runForMultipleInputs always returns Bad state: failed precondition

Open rj76 opened this issue 2 years ago • 8 comments


I'm trying to get predictions with a converted custom YOLOv4 model, and I'm always getting Bad state: failed precondition when running runForMultipleInputs on inputs and outputs. I already read some older issues but non of them helped me fixing the issue.

My code:

  Map<String, dynamic> predict(imageLib.Image image) {
    var predictStartTime =;

    if (_interpreter == null) {
      return null;
    var preProcessStart =;

    // Initliazing TensorImage as the needed model input type
    // of TfLiteType.float32. Then, creating TensorImage from image
    TensorImage inputImage = TensorImage(TfLiteType.float32);
    TensorImage original = TensorImage(TfLiteType.float32);
    // Do not use static methods, fromImage(Image) or fromFile(File),
    // of TensorImage unless the desired input TfLiteDataType is Uint8.
    // Create TensorImage from image
    //TensorImage inputImage = TensorImage.fromImage(image);

    // Pre-process TensorImage
    inputImage = getProcessedImage(inputImage);

    var preProcessElapsedTime = - preProcessStart;

    // TensorBuffers for output tensors
    TensorBuffer outputLocations = TensorBufferFloat(
        _outputShapes[0]); // The location of each detected object

    List<List<List<double>>> outputClassScores = new List.generate(
        (_) => new List.generate(_outputShapes[1][1],
            (_) => new List.filled(_outputShapes[1][2], 0.0),
            growable: false),
        growable: false);

    // Inputs object for runForMultipleInputs
    // Use [TensorImage.buffer] or [TensorBuffer.buffer] to pass by reference
    List<Object> inputs = [inputImage.buffer];

    // Outputs map
    Map<int, Object> outputs = {
      0: outputLocations.buffer,
      1: outputClassScores,

    var inferenceTimeStart =;
    // print(inputs[0].runtimeType);
    // print(inputs[0].toString());


    try {
      // run inference
      _interpreter.runForMultipleInputs(inputs, outputs);
    } catch (e) {
      print(">>>>>>>>>>>> ERROR:" + e.toString());
      List<Recognition> recognitionsNMS = [];
      var predictElapsedTime =
 - predictStartTime;
      var inferenceTimeElapsed =
 - inferenceTimeStart;
      return {
        "recognitions": recognitionsNMS,
        "stats": Stats(
            totalPredictTime: predictElapsedTime,
            inferenceTime: inferenceTimeElapsed,
            preProcessingTime: preProcessElapsedTime)

It fails in tensor.dart setTo method of the inputTensors:

    checkState(tfLiteTensorCopyFromBuffer(_tensor, ptr.cast<Void>(), size) ==

The original code it at which I changed to get it working with a recent flutter version and this plugin. This also meant using ffi for memory allocation, but I don't see how that could impact this.

Do you have any clue as to what may be wrong?

Kind regards, Richard

rj76 avatar Apr 30 '22 10:04 rj76

Hey @rj76! Check my comment on this issue:

In short:

  1. Make sure you have the same preprocessing as in your python code.
  2. The Void pointer really should be NativeType from dart:ffi to circumvent runtime errors.
  3. Use tfLiteTensorByteSize(_tensor) to check the size of your tensor and if it is a multiple of size to further debug your issue.

tafaust avatar May 11 '22 05:05 tafaust

Hey @rj76! Check my comment on this issue: #133 (comment)

In short:

  1. Make sure you have the same preprocessing as in your python code.
  2. The Void pointer really should be NativeType from dart:ffi to circumvent runtime errors.
  3. Use tfLiteTensorByteSize(_tensor) to check the size of your tensor and if it is a multiple of size to further debug your issue.

I am facing a similar issue. I am mostly using the code from object detection blog post, with my own old tflite model I trained two years back. The problem is, I used another tflite plugin for flutter, and now I don't know where to begin in this one. After finally getting as far as using the model, I get this error. I trained my model on the SSD MobileNet model.

I have also tried your grayscale fix, but I still get this issue.

Hope we can figure out something soon!

Taking a photo

XFile imageFile = await _controller.takePicture();
img.Image? capturedImage = img.decodeImage(await imageFile.readAsBytes());
img.Image orientedImage = img.bakeOrientation(capturedImage!);
await File(imageFile.path).writeAsBytes(img.encodeJpg(orientedImage));

return imageFile.path;

Running object detection

 _findObjectOnImage(String imagePath) async {
    final interpreter = await Interpreter.fromAsset('tflite/model.tflite');
    // * Read labels from assets/tflite/labels.txt
    final labels = await rootBundle
        .then((value) => value.toString().split('\n'));

    Classifier classifier =
        Classifier(interpreter: interpreter, labels: labels);

    img.Image? image = img.decodeImage(File(imagePath).readAsBytesSync());

    final output = classifier.predict(image!);

    if (output != null && output.isNotEmpty) {
      return output;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:image/image.dart' as img;
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'package:tflite_flutter/tflite_flutter.dart';
import 'package:tflite_flutter_helper/tflite_flutter_helper.dart';

import 'recognition.dart';
import 'stats.dart';

class Classifier {
  /// Input size of image (height = width = 320)
  static const int inputSize = 320;

  static const int numResults = 1;

  static const double resultTreshold = 0.9;

  /// Instance of Interpreter
  late Interpreter _interpreter;

  /// Labels file loaded as List
  late List<String> _labels;

  /// Shapes of output tensors
  late List<List<int>> _outputShapes;

  /// Types of output tensors
  late List<TfLiteType> _outputTypes;

  /// [ImageProcessor] used to pre-process the image
  late ImageProcessor imageProcessor;

  /// Padding the image to transform into square
  late int padSize;

    required Interpreter interpreter,
    required List<String> labels,
  }) {
    loadModel(interpreter: interpreter);
    loadLabels(labels: labels);

  /// Loads interpreter from asset
  void loadModel({required Interpreter interpreter}) async {
    try {
      _interpreter = interpreter;

      var outputTensors = _interpreter.getOutputTensors();
      _outputShapes = [];
      _outputTypes = [];
      for (var tensor in outputTensors) {
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint("Error while creating interpreter: $e");

  /// Loads labels from assets
  void loadLabels({required List<String> labels}) async {
    try {
      _labels = labels;
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint("Error while loading labels: $e");

  TensorImage getProcessedImage(TensorImage inputImage) {
    padSize = max(inputImage.height, inputImage.width);

    // create ImageProcessor
    imageProcessor = ImageProcessorBuilder()
        // Padding the image
        .add(ResizeWithCropOrPadOp(padSize, padSize))
        // Resizing to input size
        .add(ResizeOp(inputSize, inputSize, ResizeMethod.BILINEAR))
        // Gray scale

    inputImage = imageProcessor.process(inputImage);
    return inputImage;

  /// Gets the interpreter instance
  Interpreter get interpreter => _interpreter;

  /// Gets the loaded labels
  List<String> get labels => _labels;

  /// Runs object detection on the input image
  Map<String, dynamic>? predict(img.Image image) {
    var predictStartTime =;

    var preProcessStart =;

    // Create TensorImage from image
    TensorImage inputImage = TensorImage.fromImage(image);

    // Pre-process TensorImage
    inputImage = getProcessedImage(inputImage);

    var preProcessElapsedTime = - preProcessStart;

    // TensorBuffers for output tensors
    TensorBuffer outputLocations = TensorBufferFloat(_outputShapes[0]);
    TensorBuffer outputClasses = TensorBufferFloat(_outputShapes[1]);
    TensorBuffer outputScores = TensorBufferFloat(_outputShapes[2]);
    TensorBuffer numLocations = TensorBufferFloat(_outputShapes[3]);

    // Inputs object for runForMultipleInputs
    // Use [TensorImage.buffer] or [TensorBuffer.buffer] to pass by reference
    List<Object> inputs = [inputImage.buffer];

    // Outputs map
    Map<int, Object> outputs = {
      0: outputLocations.buffer,
      1: outputClasses.buffer,
      2: outputScores.buffer,
      3: numLocations.buffer,

    var inferenceTimeStart =;

    // run inference
    _interpreter.runForMultipleInputs(inputs, outputs);
    //, outputs);

    var inferenceTimeElapsed = - inferenceTimeStart;

    // Maximum number of results to show
    int resultsCount = min(numResults, numLocations.getIntValue(0));

    // Using labelOffset = 1 as ??? at index 0
    int labelOffset = 1;

    // Using bounding box utils for easy conversion of tensorbuffer to List<Rect>
    List<Rect> locations = BoundingBoxUtils.convert(
      tensor: outputLocations,
      valueIndex: [1, 0, 3, 2],
      boundingBoxAxis: 2,
      boundingBoxType: BoundingBoxType.BOUNDARIES,
      coordinateType: CoordinateType.RATIO,
      height: inputSize,
      width: inputSize,

    List<Recognition> recognitions = [];

    for (int i = 0; i < resultsCount; i++) {
      // Prediction score
      var score = outputScores.getDoubleValue(i);

      // Label string
      var labelIndex = outputClasses.getIntValue(i) + labelOffset;
      var label = _labels.elementAt(labelIndex);

      if (score > resultTreshold) {
        // inverse of rect
        // [locations] corresponds to the image size 300 X 300
        // inverseTransformRect transforms it our [inputImage]
        Rect transformedRect = imageProcessor.inverseTransformRect(
            locations[i], image.height, image.width);

          Recognition(i, label, score, transformedRect),

    var predictElapsedTime = - predictStartTime;

    return {
      "recognitions": recognitions,
      "stats": Stats(
          totalPredictTime: predictElapsedTime,
          inferenceTime: inferenceTimeElapsed,
          preProcessingTime: preProcessElapsedTime)

zbejas avatar Jun 01 '22 15:06 zbejas

@zbejas Let me see if I can provide a PR. I'm still waiting for the maintainer to chime in...

tafaust avatar Jun 01 '22 23:06 tafaust

@tahesse I have already added the export line, but adding grayscale didnt seem to help.

You can check if I have added it correctly to the classifier tho.

Other than this, those few build issues in Flutter 3.0. were easy to fix for the time being.

zbejas avatar Jun 01 '22 23:06 zbejas

@zbejas Read my whole comment; particularly EDIT2. There are actually ffi related errors in the source code which I had to patch.

Not in your source code but the libs source code.

When I create a PR you'll be able to install from that branch instead.

tafaust avatar Jun 02 '22 05:06 tafaust

I fixed this by downgrading tflite_flutter_helper: 0.3.1 to tflite_flutter_helper: 0.2.1 and this error went away for me...

klivin avatar Jun 03 '22 20:06 klivin

I fixed this by downgrading tflite_flutter_helper: 0.3.1 to tflite_flutter_helper: 0.2.1 and this error went away for me...

If i did that, I would have to change a bunch of other versions (image.dart, flutter_launcher_icons.dart) and some stuff in my code. Did anyone else resolve the issue like this?

SchulzKilian avatar Jul 04 '23 12:07 SchulzKilian

@SchulzKilian all I can say is check my comment and create your own fork from this repo. It seems to be unmaintained so it doesn't really matter at this point.

tafaust avatar Sep 27 '23 17:09 tafaust