tflite_flutter_plugin copied to clipboard
No Output at All with Custom Model. No errors too?
I am very puzzled by this issue because it seems to run fine but I get no models and when I trained the model it was doing great. It is a yolov5 model that got converted into tflite using this. Here is what I get for the console when I run.
Camera view is doing something
I/flutter ( 5720): Labels loaded successfully
I/flutter ( 5720): Model has loaded
I/flutter ( 5720): [Tensor{_tensor: Pointer<TfLiteTensor>: address=0x7655609f6140, name: Identity, type: TfLiteType.float32,
shape: [1, 6300, 12], data: 302400]
I/flutter ( 5720): [Tensor{_tensor: Pointer<TfLiteTensor>: address=0x7655609ec040, name: input_1, type: TfLiteType.float32, shape: [1, 320, 320, 3], data: 1228800]
I/flutter ( 5720): 1
I/flutter ( 5720): [[], [1, 6300, 12]]
I/flutter ( 5720): [TfLiteType.float32]
I/flutter ( 5720): Outputs created
I/flutter ( 5720): Image is being scanned
I/flutter ( 5720): Scanning now
I/flutter ( 5720): Infering now
I/flutter ( 5720): Model has loaded
I/flutter ( 5720): [Tensor{_tensor: Pointer<TfLiteTensor>: address=0x7655609f6140, name: Identity, type: TfLiteType.float32, shape: [1, 6300, 12], data: 302400]
[Tensor{_tensor: Pointer<TfLiteTensor>: address=0x7655609ec040, name: input_1, type: TfLiteType.float32, shape: [1, 320, 320, 3], data: 1228800]
I/flutter ( 5720): 1
I/flutter ( 5720): [[], [1, 6300, 12]]
I/flutter ( 5720): [TfLiteType.float32]
I/flutter ( 5720): Outputs created
I/flutter ( 5720): Labels loaded successfully
I/flutter ( 5720): Image Processed
I/flutter ( 5720): This is results count: 0
I/flutter ( 5720): Scans List:[]
I/flutter ( 5720): This is the[]
Here is the code
import 'package:image/image.dart' as imageLib;
class IsolateUtils {
static const String DEBUG_NAME = "InferenceIsolate";
late Isolate _isolate;
ReceivePort _receivePort = ReceivePort();
late SendPort _sendPort;
SendPort get sendPort => _sendPort;
Future<void> start() async {
_isolate = await Isolate.spawn<SendPort>(
debugName: DEBUG_NAME,
_sendPort = await _receivePort.first;
static void entryPoint(SendPort sendPort) async {
final port = ReceivePort();
await for (final IsolateData? isolateData in port) {
if (isolateData != null) {
Classifier classifier = Classifier(
labels: isolateData.labels);
imageLib.Image image = isolateData.cameraImage;
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
image = imageLib.copyRotate(image, 90);
Map<String, dynamic>? results = classifier.predict(image);
/// Bundles data to pass between Isolate
class IsolateData {
imageLib.Image cameraImage;
int interpreterAddress;
List<String> labels;
late SendPort responsePort;
import 'package:image/image.dart' as imageLib;
/// [CameraView] sends each frame for inference
class CameraView extends StatefulWidget {
/// Callback to pass results after inference to [HomeView]
final Function(List<Scan> scans) resultsCallback;
final String imageStarter;
/// Callback to inference stats to [HomeView]
/// Constructor
const CameraView(this.resultsCallback, this.imageStarter);
_CameraViewState createState() => _CameraViewState();
class _CameraViewState extends State<CameraView> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
// /// List of available cameras
// List<CameraDescription> cameras;
// /// Controller
// CameraController cameraController;
/// true when inference is ongoing
late bool predicting;
/// Instance of [Classifier]
late Classifier classifier;
/// Instance of [IsolateUtils]
late IsolateUtils isolateUtils;
void initState() {
void initStateAsync() async {
print("Camera view is doing something");
// Spawn a new isolate
isolateUtils = IsolateUtils();
await isolateUtils.start();
// Camera initialization
// Create an instance of classifier to load model and labels
classifier = Classifier();
// Initially predicting = false
predicting = false;
void startScan() async {
final bytes = await File(widget.imageStarter).readAsBytes();
final imageLib.Image? image = imageLib.decodeImage(bytes);
print("Image is being scanned");
await imageScanner(image!);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// Return empty container while the camera is not initialized
// if (cameraController == null || !cameraController.value.isInitialized) {
// return Container();
// }
return Container();
/// function to scan tickets fast
imageScanner(imageLib.Image cameraImage) async {
if (predicting) {
setState(() {
predicting = true;
print("Scanning now");
// var uiThreadTimeStart =;
// Data to be passed to inference isolate
var isolateData = IsolateData(
// We could have simply used the compute method as well however
// it would be as in-efficient as we need to continuously passing data
// to another isolate.
/// perform inference in separate isolate
Map<String, dynamic> inferenceResults = await inference(isolateData);
// var uiThreadInferenceElapsedTime =
// - uiThreadTimeStart;
// pass results to HomeView
// pass stats to HomeView
// widget.statsCallback((inferenceResults["stats"] as Stats)
// ..totalElapsedTime = uiThreadInferenceElapsedTime);
// set predicting to false to allow new frames
setState(() {
predicting = false;
/// Runs inference in another isolate
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> inference(IsolateData isolateData) async {
print("Infering now");
ReceivePort responsePort = ReceivePort();
.send(isolateData..responsePort = responsePort.sendPort);
var results = await responsePort.first;
return results;
// @override
// void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) async {
// switch (state) {
// case AppLifecycleState.paused:
// cameraController.stopImageStream();
// break;
// case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
// if (!cameraController.value.isStreamingImages) {
// await cameraController.startImageStream(onLatestImageAvailable);
// }
// break;
// default:
// }
// }
void dispose() {
// cameraController.dispose();