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Propagate specs to runtime types

Tyyppi    Kantox ❤ OSS  Test  Dialyzer

Library bringing erlang typespecs to runtime.

Provides on-the-fly type validation, typed structs with upserts validation and more.


def deps do
    {:tyyppi, "~> 0.1"}


  • 0.12.3 — update to modern stack + eliminate warnings
  • 0.12.2Tyyppi.Value.float
  • 0.12.0Tyyppi.Value.date
  • 0.11.1{Struct,Value}.valid?/1, Struct.errors/1
  • 0.11.0{Struct,Value}.flatten/{1,2}
  • 0.10.0mix tyyppi.dump to dump types to dets or binary for the Stats process
  • 0.9.0Struct.as_value(%Struct{})
  • 0.8.1 — Cosmetics, better dialyzer, Value.string() and various fixes
  • 0.8.0Tyyppi.Valuable behaviour + better docs
  • 0.7.0 — Generators + Collectable + Enumerable + Nested Structs
  • 0.6.0Tyyppi.Value for Struct + Jason.Encoder if Jason is presented + bugfixes
  • 0.5.0Tyyppi.Value + constructors + ~t|| sigil to produce Tyyppi types
  • 0.4.0 — per-field coercions and validations via cast_field/1 and validate_field/1
  • 0.3.0 — use :ets for type information when the process was not started
