Alexey Stukalov

Results 54 issues of Alexey Stukalov

As a part of #193 I already made some changes, so I wanted to get the feedback from maintainers about it. Plus, there are a few other changes in the...

This is a rebase of a #181 with *JuliaFormatter.jl* applied to each commit with this command: ```powershell git rebase ` --strategy-option=theirs ` --exec "julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate(\`"$env:JULIA_PROJECT\`"); using JuliaFormatter;...

When master Julia process is waiting in `take!()` on its own `RemoteRef` and the worker processes have all thrown exceptions, pressing Ctrl-C in REPL results in ``` ERROR (unhandled task...

Adds `inve = 1/e` constant (cherry-picked from #12). Required by JuliaMath/SpecialFunctions.jl/issues/371