wjoy copied to clipboard
Delay in input processing every 2.5 seconds
1. Open any application that gives a live read-out of the controller's analog
stick position
2. Rotate the control stick in full circles continuously
3. Notice that every 2.5 seconds, the read-out stutters
Making the [m_Device requestStateReport] call in Wiimote.m asynchronous fixes
the problem, though I don't know what the concurrency implications of this
change are.
- (void)requestUpdateState
// My fix:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[m_Device requestStateReport];
2013 13" MacBook Pro
OS X 10.10
Wii U Pro Controller & Wiimote Classic Controller
Original issue reported on code.google.com by [email protected]
on 31 Jan 2015 at 10:43
Big thanks!
On my iMac i can't see any delays, but sometimes some people write to me
letters about it. Now i know what happens. :)
I think call [m_Device requestStateReport] from background thread is not good
idea (Wiimote.framework is not threat-safe), but may be i can find other way to
fix this.
Original comment by alexandr.serkov
on 31 Jan 2015 at 8:04
- Changed state: Accepted
Perhaps you've already figured this out, but looking at the code, this is the
WiimoteWatchdog blocking on the [m_DataChannel writeSync:length:] call in
-[WiimoteBluetoothDeviceTransport postBytes:length:]. Maybe these writes could
be switched to use writeAsync?
The WiimoteHIDDeviceTransport's postBytes implementation also uses a
synchronous call (IOHIDDeviceSetReport), but the documentation for both it and
its asynchronous variant IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback says it "will block
until the report has been issued to the device"...so it's not async? I guess I
should try it.
As a temporary workaround, it looks to me that the watchdog is just polling for
the battery level (is that correct?), so it could be disabled if you don't care
about that. The same status event, WiimoteDeviceCommandTypeGetState, seems to
be sent by the Wiimote itself when adding or removing a remote extension, also
updating the known battery level (even with the watchdog disabled).
Original comment by [email protected]
on 5 Feb 2015 at 2:29
Here's a patch that makes the watchdog's state requests non-blocking[1]. It
adds an "async" parameter to the postBytes: method and other intermediate
methods to request a non-blocking write. I didn't change any other requests to
use the async option because I wasn't sure if there were any ordering
assumptions elsewhere.
I also didn't add a callback parameter, so there's no way to know when a
particular request finishes, but it isn't needed for the watchdog's use case.
1 : Only for the Bluetooth transport; HID requests are still always
synchronous. I tried testing the HID transport but I haven't been able to get
one-button-click connections working for a while. Apparently my remote is
already paired (with the console?) and won't pair with my Mac?
Original comment by [email protected]
on 5 Feb 2015 at 3:37
>> Apparently my remote is already paired (with the console?) and won't pair
with my Mac?
No, this feature works on mac very unstable. Sometimes helps remove wiimote
from bluetooth settings (if it visible on bluetooth devices list). Sometimes
you need remove it two or three times. This strange things needed only for the
first connection. After what all works fine. I think, it's depends on bluetooth
adapter (and input/output delay on postBytes method too).
And about async operations on device. Not only one watchdog send commands to
wiimote. And i don't know, that happens, if watchdog send refresh command, and,
immediately, something other send another synchronously. Maybe it will work,
may be it crash application.
I think best way to solve this problem is removing watchdog. And refresh
wiimote state only if user opens WJoy menu. Or really use async methods for all
transports and all things, but with command queue.
Anyway, thanks for patch. If i will implement command queue, i'll use it.
Original comment by alexandr.serkov
on 5 Feb 2015 at 7:27