@alanshaw Adding 700MB file takes more than 2s. `getReadableStream` takes more, the problem is DOM not updated. Am i write a wrong code? File size more than about 700MB will...
@lidel It is better to support set port of public gateway! With `v2.13.0` The public gateway can be set, but the port cannot be set. Submit `https://ipfs.lilu.red:444`, check url is...
@jabelone Thanks! 问题解决了. My path:`cd /usr/lib/node_modules/obj23dtiles/bin/`
`柜`的拼音错误翻为`ju`, 正确为`gui`. 版本`com.github.promeg:tinypinyin:2.0.3`
暂时可以这样解决 @qsjh898 ``` Pinyin.init(Pinyin.newConfig() .with(new PinyinMapDict() { @Override public Map mapping() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("柜", new String[]{"GUI"}); return map; } })); ```
@umstek Have you found a solution? I'm trying to play webm chunks with MediaSource. I want to skip the chunks before open stream. So i can play the stream anytime....
@niteshfel need to add `implementation 'net.butterflytv.utils:rtmp-client:0.2.8'` yourself. data had send to rtmp server, but no video show. audio works fine. ``` implementation 'net.butterflytv.utils:rtmp-client:0.2.8' implementation 'com.github.takusemba:rtmppublisher:1.1.3' ```
Do not set `targetSdkVersion` to 30 and 31. 29 or less works fine. Not all devices have problems.
@VBart Why not support the standard Websocket protocol? nginx: ``` location /api-websocket { proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; } ```
@feikesteenbergen I'll try later. I have many tables, and errors will occur on one table at random.