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- [1] Donald Goldfarb and Shucheng Liu. An o (n 3 l) primal interior point algorithm for convex quadratic programming. Mathematical programming, 49(1):325–340, 1990.
- [2]Mert Pilanci and Tolga Ergen. Neural networks are convex regularizers: Exact polynomial- time convex optimization formulations for two-layer networks. In International Confer- ence on Machine Learning, pages 7695–7705. PMLR, 2020.
- [3] Yifei Wang, Jonathan Lacotte, and Mert Pilanci. The hidden convex optimization landscape of regularized two-layer relu networks: an exact characterization of optimal solutions. In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021.
Introduction Note
- Convexifying Neural Networks_introduction.pdf
Implement code for paper [2]
- More detail in the code and note.