Mapkit_ShapeFile icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Mapkit_ShapeFile copied to clipboard

Uses ESRI Shape Files to draw Overlays on MKMapViews


<img src="assets/images/mapkitshapefile.gif" alt="Mapkit_shapeFile_demo" title="Demo" width="200" LOOP=INFINITE >


Uses ESRI Shape Files to draw Overlays on MKMapViews


Pod install in root directory and use XCWorkspace



Interacts with the MKPoloygonRenderer to handle drawing of geospatial regions using defined fill color stroke color and line width


Encapsulates geospatial data for a given georegion. Initializer handles parsing of SHPObject and storing shape data into Objective-C object.


Handles iterating through colection of GeoRegion and providing an Array of geoRegion objects.