AltTester-Unity-SDK copied to clipboard
BeginTouch should make the touch Stationary the next frame if the touch was not ended or moved
At the moment BeginTouch creates a touch and set the TouchPhase to Began. This should only for a frame because when the TouchPhase is set to began. When this happen Unity consider that the touch was created in the current frame and will return GetMouseButtonDown(0) true. This will happen every frame even if it supposed to happen just once.
We can fix this by checking the next frame if the touch has changed the phase from Began
to Moved
or Ended
if this happen we don't need to do anything but otherwise we need to set it to Stationary
Steps to reproduce
- Create a test that calls BeginTouch()
- Check in the game what GetMouseButtonDown(0) return every frame
Actual result
GetMouseButtonDown(0) returns true everytime
Additional info
Expected result
GetMouseButtonDown(0) returns true only once