featuretools-tsfresh-primitives copied to clipboard
pypi pandas version fixed at <2.0.0
I'm installing through the latest pip and when I install the latest:
pip install featuretools-tsfresh-primitives==1.0.2
I keep seeing the requirement of pandas (<2.0.0,>=1.3.0), even though in your setup.cfg you don't pin it to an upper limit. But when I look into the wheel I do see that requirement:
Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: featuretools-tsfresh-primitives Version: 1.0.2 Summary: TSFresh primitives for featuretools Home-page: https://github.com/alteryx/featuretools-tsfresh-primitives/ Author: Feature Labs, Inc. Author-email: [email protected] License: MIT Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Requires-Python: >=3.7, <4 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown License-File: LICENSE Requires-Dist: tsfresh (>=0.19.0) Requires-Dist: pandas (<2.0.0,>=1.3.0) Requires-Dist: featuretools (>=1.0.0)
Please align the wheel with the setup.cfg
I am encountering this as well. I'd like to include featuretools-tsfresh-primitives
in a virtual environment with a bunch of other packages that require pandas > 2.0.
Here is a minimal example of the issue I am encountering:
- make a requirements.in file with the following contents:
- Set up a virtual environment and test it:
pyenv install 3.9.18
pyenv local 3.9.18
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.18 240905_can_featuretools_with_tsfresh_do_python_2
pyenv local 240905_can_featuretools_with_tsfresh_do_python_2
pip install pip-tools
pip-compile # Fails
Failure from pip-compile
ERROR: Cannot install featuretools, featuretools[tsfresh]==1.31.0 and pandas>=2.0.0 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
#102 is an unreleased commit that removed the pandas 2.0.0 upper bound, so featuretools-tsfresh-primitives version 1.0.2 does still require pandas < 2.0