vim-colors-solarized copied to clipboard
Text colors seem "fully selected", not sure how to fix
I'm using iTerm2 with the color preset downloaded here: I wanted to use this preset for vim as well, but it seems that the background color seems like that of selected text. I have attached a screenshot:
As you can see, the background around the text that receives a color is normal. The actual background and around the text that does not receive a color is different, which makes it look very ugly. How can I fix this?
Same issue for me. iTerm2, OS X 10.10 GM
let g:solarized_termtrans = 1
worked for me in urxvt.
I put it in my .vimrc before any solarized lines.
Thanks @benoliver999 this fixed the issue for me too.
[EDIT 01 Dec 2014]: Now I figured out why the colors was off and powerline was without color, in my iTerm - Profile - Terminal - Report Terminal Type was set to xterm, which is old mode with degraded color support, setting it to xterm-16color fixed all color issues for me, so no need for solarized_termtrans. iTerm2 vim 7.4.488 via Homebrew Hope this helps someone.