VoiceAttack-profiles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
VoiceAttack-profiles copied to clipboard

Replace Python script shenanigans with a proper VoiceAttack plugin

Open alterNERDtive opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

I dreaded the day, I knew it was coming … at some point I’ll have to do things properly. At least with the new packaging & update workflow it won’t create extra work for users.


alterNERDtive avatar Aug 15 '20 16:08 alterNERDtive

Should also adopt some kind of async/event model for stuff like EDDI’s route details thingy (see #61).

alterNERDtive avatar Aug 15 '20 16:08 alterNERDtive

Less horrible than I feared, but more interesting quirks than VA has anyway …

Parsing RATSIGNALs is way faster now though running it in a plugin.

alterNERDtive avatar Aug 16 '20 18:08 alterNERDtive

Status: all user-facing interactions with the scripts are already gone; they are now called from the plugins. Rewriting them as .Net libraries will have to wait for after 4.0. ETA: might be 4.x.

alterNERDtive avatar Dec 10 '20 19:12 alterNERDtive

  • [ ] edsm-getnearest.py
  • [x] edts.py
  • [ ] explorationtools.py
  • [ ] spansh.py

alterNERDtive avatar Feb 22 '21 20:02 alterNERDtive