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hoursminutes encoding of time doesn't follow order around midnight when multiple days are stacked

Open legolego opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

I'm trying to stack 'hoursminutes' as an encoding across multiple days, but if there's a timestamp around midnight, the ordering gets changed. I also tried with T encodings on just the column, but it starts at midnight on the left. I'd like the text to also show the hours:minutes on the x-axis. Is there a way to use the pickup_datetime_1min or sequence columns for ordering, but show the hoursminutes as the text while stacking on them? Or can the scale be forced to be in a certain order? Thank you very much!

import altair as alt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

b = datetime(2010, 6, 9, 0, 5, 0)
b_ts = [b] * 12    
d1s = datetime(2010, 6, 1, 23, 50, 0)
d2s = datetime(2010, 6, 8, 23, 50, 0)
d3s = datetime(2010, 6, 15, 23, 50, 0)

pickup_datetime_1min = [d1s, d1s + timedelta(minutes=10), d1s + timedelta(minutes=20), d1s + timedelta(minutes=30) ] + \
                        [d2s, d2s + timedelta(minutes=10), d2s + timedelta(minutes=20), d2s + timedelta(minutes=30) ] + \
                        [d3s, d3s + timedelta(minutes=10), d3s + timedelta(minutes=20), d3s + timedelta(minutes=30) ]

rides_per_minute = [10,12,14,16] + [12,14,16,18] + [14,16,18,20]

which_week = ["Week before"] * 4 + ['Current week'] * 4 + ['Week after'] * 4
sequence = [1,2,3,4] * 3
list_of_tuples = list(zip(b_ts, pickup_datetime_1min, rides_per_minute, which_week, sequence))   
dff = pd.DataFrame(list_of_tuples,
                  columns = ['b_ts', 'pickup_datetime_1min', 'rides_per_minute', 'which_week', 'sequence']) 


line = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'x': [b]})).mark_rule().encode(x=alt.X('hoursminutes(x):O', title='') )
#line = alt.Chart(pd.DataFrame({'x': [b]})).mark_rule().encode(x=alt.X('x:T', title='') )

rides = alt.Chart(dff, title="Rides around " + str(b.strftime('%A')) + ' - ' + str(b)).mark_line().encode(
    #x=alt.X('hoursminutes(pickup_datetime_1min):Q', title='Date/time', 
    x=alt.X('hoursminutes(pickup_datetime_1min):O', title='Date/time', 
    #x=alt.X('sequence:Q', axis=None, title='Date/time' ),     
    y=alt.Y('rides_per_minute:Q', title='Rides per minute'),
    color=alt.Color('which_week:N', title='Which week', scale=alt.Scale(
                                            domain=['Week before', 'Current week', 'Week after'],
                                            range=['#c0c0c0 ', '#fff400', '#adc0d8']))



legolego avatar May 02 '21 17:05 legolego

You probable need utchoursminutes, where you currently use hoursminutes: image

See for more info:

mattijn avatar May 02 '21 17:05 mattijn

Thank you @mattijn , I just tried that and it worked for the code I posted, but not for my actual data, I'm not sure why yet... with an 'O' encoding I get this: image and a 'T' encoding I get this: image Would you have any ideas why?

legolego avatar May 02 '21 18:05 legolego

@mattijn that vertical line should be at 00:05 instead of 23:05 also...

legolego avatar May 02 '21 18:05 legolego

Its confusing why the behaviour of UTC dates is different between ordinal and temporal type:

import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import altair as alt

utc_date = datetime(2010, 6, 9, 0, 5, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
df_utc = pd.DataFrame({'x': [utc_date]})
print(f'utc_date: {utc_date}')

utc_O = alt.Chart(df_utc, title='Ordinal').mark_rule().encode(x=alt.X('utchoursminutes(x):O'))
utc_T = alt.Chart(df_utc, title='Temporal').mark_rule().encode(x=alt.X('utchoursminutes(x):T'))

utc_O | utc_T

UTC dates encoded as an ordinal type, still seems to be parsed in the local timezone of the browser. It feels as a bug, but maybe its a feature of Vega-Lite..

Behaviour still occurs in VL5: Open the Chart in the Vega Editor

mattijn avatar May 02 '21 20:05 mattijn

Since this is an issue in Vega-Lite, the best course of action would be to open an issue there. Closing since it can't be fixed in altair directly.

joelostblom avatar Sep 21 '23 16:09 joelostblom