Marat Idrisov
Marat Idrisov
If you don't mind, send a sample, in Python, for example
Yes, we almost synchronously managed to write the code to get the data :D I get a sequence of bytes, but how to deserialize it? I understand correctly that this...
I was able to serialize the data into a structure using [ctypes.Structure]( It was quite time consuming to fully describe the whole `scsTelemetryMap_t ` structure in Python, luckily I was...
I would like to suggest a few additional changes: * I propose to allow you to specify an arbitrary port via environment variables and not be tied strictly to port...
I built libMoltenVK.dylib with @js6i's latest changes and I get the error `DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine.` ```sh > xcodebuild -version Xcode 15.0 Build version...
I'm using dxvk. I don't think I can to apply any hacks, I'm a regular user who just follows this MR :D. I looked at the game launch logs with...
I can help with the debug if needed Or it's worth waiting until this mr is fully ready and it's too early to test anything yet