with-emacs.sh copied to clipboard
Script to easily run Emacs with specified configurations
#+TITLE: with-emacs.sh
Note: This readme works with the org-make-toc https://github.com/alphapapa/org-make-toc package, which automatically updates the table of contents.
This script makes it easy to run Emacs with alternative configurations (i.e. not =~/.emacs.d=). For example, to run Emacs with a configuration stored in =~/new-emacs.d=, simply run:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell $ with-emacs.sh --dir ~/new-emacs.d #+END_SRC
It can also use temporary, "sandbox" directories that are automatically created and then removed after Emacs exits: just run =with-emacs.sh= without specifying a directory.
It's helpful for developing packages, troubleshooting configuration problems, trying out alternative configurations, etc.
- Contents :noexport: :PROPERTIES: :TOC: this :END:
- [[#installation][Installation]]
- [[#usage][Usage]]
- [[#changelog][Changelog]]
- Installation :PROPERTIES: :TOC: 0 :END:
Copy =with-emacs.sh= into your =PATH= (or don't, and run it from wherever you want).
- Usage :PROPERTIES: :TOC: 0 :END:
Run Emacs with a specified configuration directory. If no directory is specified, a temporary one is made with "mktemp -d" and removed when Emacs exits.
Options --debug Show debug information and don't remove temp directory. -h, --help This. -- Optionally used to separate script arguments from Emacs arguments.
-d, --dir DIR Use DIR as user-emacs-directory.
-e, --emacs PATH Run Emacs executable at PATH.
-i, --install PACKAGE Install PACKAGE.
-O, --no-org-repo Don't use the orgmode.org ELPA repo.
-P, --no-package Don't initialize the package system.
-R, --no-refresh-packages Don't refresh package lists.
- Changelog :PROPERTIES: :TOC: 0 :END:
** 0.1.2
- Use ~#!/usr/bin/env bash~. (Thanks to [[https://github.com/benoitj][Benoit Joly]].)
** 0.1.1
- Argument =-e= / =--emacs=.
** 0.1
First tagged version. Renamed from =emacs-sandbox.sh=.
- Credits :PROPERTIES: :TOC: ignore :END:
Inspired by and some code copied from [[https://github.com/melpa/melpa][MELPA]]'s Makefile.
- Alternatives
- [[https://github.com/plexus/chemacs2][Chemacs2]] is a system of three Elisp files designed to replace your =~/.emacs.d= and switch between "profiles" stored in other directories. It requires a configuration file pointing to the profiles' directories. It offers some additional functionality, like setting environment variables per-profile.
- In contrast, =with-emacs.sh= does not replace anything, and it requires no configuration; just run it with a directory of your choice. It's just a Bash script, so if you want to set an environment variable, use standard tools, like =env=.
- Development :PROPERTIES: :TOC: ignore :END:
Bug reports, feature requests, suggestions — /oh my/!
- License :PROPERTIES: :TOC: ignore :END: