accessible-autocomplete icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
accessible-autocomplete copied to clipboard

Update the accessible-autocomplete to support the latest version of React

Open vanitabarrett opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments


Update and test the accessible-autocomplete to support the latest version of React possible. We should aim for the newest version (, but we're not sure how complex this work will be do to. If we're unable to support the latest version, see if we can support versions 17 or 16 at a minimum.

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Done When

  • [ ] Investigate if there are any forks of this repo which have already updated - we can look at these for guidance and/or ask for contributions
  • [ ] This repo has been updated to work with a newer version of React
  • [ ] Tests are still passing and we've checked the functionality in the examples is still working as expected
  • [ ] Updated any documentation which states what version the project works with

vanitabarrett avatar Jan 11 '22 14:01 vanitabarrett