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Making MongoDB queries fun again

mongoq - Making MongoDB queries fun again

  • Build complex mongo queries using simpler python syntax.
  • Verify query syntax without running a server.

Follow @alonhorev on twitter for updates.


mongoq has been tested on python2.7 and 3.3 (no reason why it shouldn't work on others).

pip install mongoq


>>> from mongoq import Q

>>> Q.attr == 3
{'attr': 3}

>>> Q.attr != 3
{'attr': {'$ne': 3}}
>>> (Q.attr1 == 3) + (Q.attr2 >=  4)
{'attr2': {'$gte': 4}, 'attr1': 3}

>>> (Q.attr < 3) | (Q.attr > 5)
{'$or': [{'attr': {'$lt': 3}}, {'attr': {'$gt': 5}}]}

>>> ~(Q.attr1 <= 3)
{'$not': {'attr1': {'$lte': 3}}}

>>> (Q.attr1 == 3) | ((Q.attr2 ==  4) & (Q.attr3 == 5))
{'$or': [{'attr1': 3}, {'$and': [{'attr2': 4}, {'attr3': 5}]}]}

>>> (Q.attr == 3).nor(Q.attr == 4)
{'$nor': [{'attr': 3}, {'attr': 4}]}

Nested Documents

>>> Q.subdoc.attr > 5
{'subdoc.attr': {'$gt': 5}}


>>> Q.attr.notcontained([1, 2, 3])
{'attr': {'$nin': [1, 2, 3]}}

>>> Q.attr.contained([1, 2, 3])
{'attr': {'$in': [1, 2, 3]}}

>>> Q.attr.exists(False)
{'attr': {'$exists': False}}	

>>> Q.attr.type(3)
{'attr': {'$type': 3}}

>>> Q.attr.where('this.a == this.b')
{'attr': {'$where': 'this.a == this.b'}}

>>> Q.attr.mod(10, 3)
{'attr': {'$mod': [10, 3]}}

>>> Q.attr.regex('bla').options('i')
{'attr': {'$options': 'i', '$regex': 'bla'}}

Array Queries

>>> Q.array.all([1,2,3])
{'array': {'$all': [1, 2, 3]}}

>>> Q.array.size(3)
{'array': {'$size': 3}}

>>> Q.array.elemMatch(Q.attr > 1)
{'array': {'$elemMatch': {'attr': {'$gt': 1}}}}

Custom Queries

>>> Q.attr.value({'$bla': 3})
{'attr': {'$bla': 3}}

>>> (Q.attr > 0).value({'$bla': 3})
{'attr': {'$gt': 0, '$bla': 3}}