angular-plotly copied to clipboard
Multiple graph on single page.
I've this issue. I need multiple graph on single page. In template i have:
<div class="col-md-12"> <plotly id="grafico01" plotly-data="" plotly-layout="vm.layout" plotly-options="vm.options" plotly-events="vm.eventGrafico01"></plotly> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col col-md-12"> <plotly id="grafico02" plotly-data="vm.sentimentbycategory" plotly-layout="vm.layout1" plotly-options="vm.sentimentbycategoryoptions" plotly-events="vm.eventGrafico02"></plotly> </div> </div>
and all binding are correctly filled. But the html element used by plotly it's always the first.