Alok Sharma
Alok Sharma
this fixed it for the time being ``` -- SqlServer.2008 DECLARE @SiteId BigInt -- Int64 SET @SiteId = 1 DECLARE @BlogPostTypeId UniqueIdentifier -- Guid SET @BlogPostTypeId = '70c35d7a-0b85-4a4a-8755-e5ba84a472c2' DECLARE @Id...
Another thing i would like to know, skip and take only takes int as argument; this query is returning me with a long number which is good for handling bigger...
no need for skip call? i am just selecting 1 record so take is always 1, need this solution for skip part.. Also .Take(() => (long)some) this throws errors Skip...
not working for me :(, am i missing a namespace? ``` using LinqToDB; using LinqToDB.EntityFrameworkCore; ```
@sdanyliv can you look into this?
wait a few minutes...
didnt worked, also tried this variation same result: ``` using var connection = repository.GetDbContext().CreateLinqToDbConnection(); using var t = connection.CreateTempTable(); await t.BulkCopyAsync(new BulkCopyOptions { //BulkCopyTimeout = 5000 }, items.AsEnumerable()); ``` following...
no just trying to insert a list of model into a target table. merge function works fine but this one is failing with timeout.
this worked, but shouldn't this be default set or atleast give a meaning full warning of whats wrong with config?
here is the model definition: ``` public class RolePermissions { public Guid Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid(); public string RoleId { get; set; } public string PermissionName {...