qsSimpleKPI copied to clipboard
First App Open Issue
Hi, I have an issue, also with the Demo App; when I open for the first time the Sense App, KPI's are not fitted. If I refresh the screen, everything ok. See screenshot attached. Running Qlik Sense Server 3.2 SR4.
It's strange because if I have two widgets on the same page, only the first loaded is having the resize issue; second one is fine. Seems to be something realated on how a JS is loading...
First open with issue:
Browser refresh ok:
I found today that the problem mentioned above happens only if "Responsive Size" on Measures settings is ON
Colud you please attach your qlik sense demo app?
i can't see any attachments. please attach it on github
what browser do you use?
Google Chrome.
Installed right now Firefox and is working properly; so the issue seems to be on my case just with Chrome
In my case your demo app works without any issues in Google Chrome. Which version do you use? What is your screen resolution? I will try to reproduce your problem in my environment...
We have Qlik Sense Server 3.2 SR4. Chrome latest version on Windows 10
I am also having the same issue. Here is are 2 screenshots on 1st open and 2nd after a F5/CTRL-R. I am using Chrome v59, Windows 10 Pro, Qlik Sense Server 3.1 SR3.