crust copied to clipboard
A C-like programming language that is similar to Rust's syntax. Toy programming language.
This is a hobby project to learn about compilers and language design. I've designed the language to be similar to C and Rust.
Heavily inspired by
- [x] Global Variables
- [x] Functions
- [x] Arrays
- [x] Integers (signed and unsigned)
- [x] Strings
- [x] Binary Operations
- [x] Code Generation (GNU Assembly)
- [x] Print to Console (integers & ascii characters)
- [x] If Statements
- [x] While Statements
- [x] For Statements
- [x] Function Parameters
- [x] Function Arguments
- [x] Local Variables (Scopes)
- [x] Function Hoisting
- [ ] Reading from console
- [ ] Dynamic Arrays
- [ ] Structs
- [ ] Unions
- [ ] Enums
- [ ] Break & Continue
- [ ] Variable Initialization
- [ ] Casting
- [ ] Sizeof
- [ ] Static
- [ ] Struct Methods
- [ ] Struct Traits
- [ ] LLVM
How to use
cargo run <input-file> # Compile the crust language to assembly, which will be written to out.s
cc -o bin out.s # Use the GNU C compiler to compile and link the assembly code to an executable file
./bin # Execute the produced binary
Run tests
Some examples of the language
let c: char;
let str: *char;
fn main(): u8 {
c= '\n'; printint(c);
for (str= "Hello world\n"; *str != 0; str= str + 1) {
return 0;
let a: u8;
let b: u8[25];
fn main(): u32 {
b[3]= 12; a= b[3];
return 0;