mediapipe often shows large rectangular artifacts. Maybe there are more tuning options?
I need more tests when I have the time for it, but there are (semi-transparent) boxes above the head depending on lighting conditions. The full mobilenet (v2) model with the...
I had no segmentation faults (using tensorflow-cpu), but I see blocky artifacts above the head, with rather large blocks. I need to test it more, but it may be different...
Open TODOs here: - mediapipe artifacts: When do they appear (4:3 ratio, low resolution, ...?) and what can one do about it - A bit code cleanup of the quick...
I don't think there is a meaningful difference in our implementations. Mediapipe gives you a mask and then you apply it to the image. The quality of the mask is...
There is nothing special to do. You set up cudnn like for any other project and it should work. I guess we should rather link official docs which stay updated...
> It's a real PITA to install TF compatible CUDA+cuDNN unless you're maybe using conda that can resolve it for you. Nvidia likes to make it hard. I do not...
> it's less of an NVIDIA problem, since they develop one driver that gets packaged in a myriad of ways for each Linux package manager etc. When it would have...
Let's keep that one open. I will in the near future not describe a docker setup like in #51, but a tracking bug for more documentation on CUDA is useful.
No progress yet, but a big item on my wishlist. I just have no idea what's the problem. The docs say you can just load the quantized model, but it...