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Keep only visitors count

Open ebanDev opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Hey, I'd like to have an option to keep only unique visitors count in the view charts/table :3 Thanks !

ebanDev avatar Dec 12 '21 10:12 ebanDev

I'm not sure I follow, you can mouse over right now the label under the chart and it will highlight that metric. Let me know if that's what you are after. Thanks

allinurl avatar Dec 13 '21 02:12 allinurl

Yeah, but I'd like to have an option to remove the view count. As my Goaccess dashboard is shared with others, I'd like to keep only the visitors count cause having two numbers are a bit confusing

ebanDev avatar Dec 13 '21 07:12 ebanDev

Thanks for the feedback. Do you just need to remove it from the chart or the column as well?

allinurl avatar Dec 21 '21 04:12 allinurl

I need to remove them from chart and columns

ebanDev avatar Dec 28 '21 10:12 ebanDev