amxmodx copied to clipboard
native menu_create return 0
Hi all, native menu_create really return any value?
/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */
#include <amxmodx>
new const car_used[] = "4runner"
new const cars[][] = {
public plugin_init()
register_clcmd("say t", "test")
public test(id)
new menu = menu_create("\rCars \wChoose", "mh_cars")
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof cars; i++)
menu_additem(menu, fmt("%s", cars[i]), .callback = menu_makecallback("callback_cars"))
menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "Exit")
menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL)
menu_display(id, menu, 0)
RequestFrame("callback_check_value", menu)
public callback_check_value(value)
server_print("%d", value)
public callback_cars(id, menu, item)
new sCars[32], iRet = ITEM_IGNORE
menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, _, _, _, sCars, charsmax(sCars))
if(equal(sCars, car_used))
add(sCars, charsmax(sCars), " \y(used)")
menu_item_setname(menu, item, sCars)
return iRet
public mh_cars(id, menu, item)
if(item != MENU_MORE && item != MENU_BACK && item != MENU_EXIT && item != MENU_TIMEOUT)
client_print_color(0, print_team_default, "selected %s", cars[item])
return 1
The only thing that server_print prints is 0
** amxx 1.9 5241 metamod p37 last rehlds release mp original hlds **
I seek to store the value returned by menu_create.. to check it later and destroy with menu_destroy
function my_function(menuIndex)
if(menuIndex) // menu_exists( )
There is no native like menu_exists, and menu_create returns nothing
the first menu is always 0 create 2 menus and read there ids to see the difference Keep in mind that the second u close or choose smt from the meny it gets destroyed. so u have to create 2 menus in the test function