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An implementation of the CGI and FastCGI specifications in Swift.


An implementation of the CGI and FastCGI specifications in Swift.


Apple has announced plans to open-source Swift, a language that provides a nice combination of speed, safety, and expressibility. Why wouldn't someone want to write web applications in it?

Naturally, it's a bit limited at this time because it will only run on Mac OS X. This project is still in a very experimental state; I wouldn't recommend it being used seriously until Swift goes open-source and runs on Linux.

Design choices

This framework tries to be as idiomatically Swift-y as possible: using protocol-driven patterns and structs over classes whenever appropriate, algebraic enumerated types, and so forth.

Apple hasn't announced details of its open-source plans for Swift, but I imagine that it will likely only consist of the core language and standard libraries. In other words, frameworks like Foundation that are specific to OS X probably won't be available.

Therefore, this library makes a conscious decision to avoid depending on Foundation whenever possible. This means reinventing the wheel in some situations—for example, providing Swift wrappers around pthread threads and mutexes instead of NSThread and NSLock, since using C-language types directly in Swift can be overly verbose.

The SwiftCGI project intentionally does not provide a microframework; from an architectural point of view, such a framework should be separate and can be implemented on top of SwiftCGI's public interfaces, which provide the gateway layer between the web server and the application and nothing more.


This guide covers how to get SwiftCGI up and running quickly with the default OS X installation of Apache. If you are using another web server, please refer to its documentation.

TODO: Once Swift goes open-source and runs on Linux, update these instructions.

Usage as a CGI process

  1. Edit the Apache config file:

     $ sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  2. Find the LoadModule line for cgi_module, and uncomment it if necessary:

     LoadModule cgi_module libexec/apache2/mod_cgi.so
  3. Save your changes.

  4. Build an executable using SwiftCGI and copy it into the location where Apache on OS X looks for CGI executables. By default, this directory is:


    If you are using SwiftCGI as a framework instead of compiling the sources directly into your application, copy the framework into this location as well.

  5. Restart Apache:

     $ sudo apachectl restart
  6. Try the application in your web browser or using curl. For example, if your application is SwiftCGIDemo, use the following URL:


    You can also add additional path information or query parameters to this URL and they will be processed as expected by a CGI application.

Usage as a FastCGI process

We'll use mod_fastcgi installed from Homebrew for this example, with an explicit file extension (.fcgi). For more advanced configurations, consult your web server's documentation.

  1. Build mod_fastcgi:

     $ brew install homebrew/apache/mod_fastcgi

    Verify that the module was installed; in my configuration, the binary was in


    (The version number or location might be different on your system.)

  2. Edit the Apache config file:

     $ sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  3. In the section containing the LoadModule lines, add one for mod_fastcgi (adjusting the path if necessary):

     LoadModule fastcgi_module /usr/local/Cellar/mod_fastcgi/2.4.6/libexec/mod_fastcgi.so
  4. At the bottom of this configuration file, add a section for the FastCGI module:

     <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
     FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fcgi_ipc/
     AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
  5. Save your changes.

  6. Build an executable using SwiftCGI and copy it into the location where Apache on OS X looks for CGI executables, adding the .fcgi extension so that it is matched by the handler above. By default, this directory is:


    If you are using SwiftCGI as a framework instead of compiling the sources directly into your application, copy the framework into this location as well.

  7. Restart Apache:

     $ sudo apachectl restart
  8. Try the application in your web browser or using curl. For example, if your application is SwiftCGIDemo, use the following URL:


    You can also add additional path information or query parameters to this URL and they will be processed as expected by a CGI application.

Known issues

If you build an executable that links to SwiftCGI as a framework (as the demo project is structured), you will see a number of messages similar to the following dumped into your web server's error log when the CGI/FastCGI process is started:

Class _SwiftNativeNSSetBase is implemented in both /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/SwiftCGI.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/libswiftCore.dylib
and /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/SwiftCGIDemo.
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

These are because the Swift core libraries are being linked into the executable as well as being included as dylibs inside the framework bundle. As long as they are the same version, the messages are harmless. They can be avoided by including the SwiftCGI sources directly in your project, rather than building a separate dynamically-linked framework.