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The code and pretrain models of EDAM-WSSS(Embedded Discriminative Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation)
Embedded Discriminative Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation(EDAM-WSSS) CVPR2021
The code and pretrain models of EDAM(Embedded Discriminative Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation) Our papaer link
We train our model with Python 3.5, PyTorch 1.1.0 and 4 Tesla V100 GPUs with 16 GB memory. Other Python modules can be installed by running
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
You can also download our env directly [BaiduYun] tlu7
After unzipping, running
source py3.5/bin/activate
- The PASCAL VOC 2012 development kit: You also need to specify the path ('voc12_root') of your downloaded dev kit.
- Saliency Maps [GoogleDrive][BaiduYun] (fjst): Class-agnostic saliency maps generated by PoolNet as background cues.
Pretrain Models
We provide three pre-trained models, including initialization parameters, EDAM parameters and Deeplabv2 parameters [Google Drive][BaiduYun] u7q7
Training EDAM from scratch.(Noting: We have pre-processed the dataset, and the amount of data in each epoch is equivalent to the original 25 epochs)
python3 train_EDAM_cls.py --lr 0.001 --batch_size 4 --max_epoches 1 --crop_size 368 --network network.resnet38_EDAM_cls --voc12_root [Root of VOC12] --weights [Root of initialization parameters] --wt_dec 5e-4 --session_name resnet38_EDAM_cls
To monitor loss and lr, run the following command in a separate terminal.
tensorboard --logdir runs
Generate pseudo labels.
python3 infer_cls.py --infer_list voc12/train_aug.txt --voc12_root /workdir/VOCdevkit/VOC2012 --network network.resnet38_EDAM_cls --weights [Path of EDAM Parameters] --out_crf_pred [Output Path] --theta 0.2 --alpha 0.000001 --beta 0.99999 --sal_path [Path of Saliency Map]
Vis pseudo labels
python3 colorful.py --img_path [Path of Pseudo Labels] —out_path [Path of Colorful Pseudo Labels]
Segmentation Network
We use our pseudo labels fully-supervised train a Deeplab-v2 Network
We also provide the final pseudo labels for segmentation network training. [Google Drive][BaiduYun] 9aij
Model | Train set | Val set | Crf? | Saliency? | Mean IoU |
EDAM | trainaug | train | - | - | 52.83 |
✓ | - | 58.61 | |||
✓ | ✓ | 68.11 | |||
DeepLab-v2 | trainaug | val | - | - | 69.66 |
✓ | - | 70.96 |
If this code is useful to you, consider using the following citation:
author = {Wu, Tong and Huang, Junshi and Gao, Guangyu and Wei, Xiaoming and Wei, Xiaolin and Luo, Xuan and Liu, Chi Harold},
title = {Embedded Discriminative Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2021},
pages = {16765-16774}