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Use of other map tiles not working
Hi Allen, thanks for your work in this library. I'm trying to use this in a project but I've found some problems. For example I've found there is some problem using other tiles than default. When you create a Map, using react-openlayers as library, it works with no problem.
<layer.Tile />
<Controls attribution={false} zoom={true}></Controls>
But if you use different map tile:
<layer.Tile source={new ol.source.Stamen({ layer: 'watercolor' })} />
<Controls attribution={false} zoom={true}></Controls>
It doesn’t load the map and you can see an error in the console like this:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'D' of null
Thanks for your help
Are you using systemjs? It works with webpack, but could not make it with SystemJS with those error. Could not figure out why.
I'm using webpack. It's very strange because seems a problem with openlayers library. If I debug and while in your class Tile reassign options.source to new source like new ol.source.Stamen({ layer: 'watercolor' }), while in console it works. But if it comes from the props doesn't.
Same issue here. Using the default tiles it is working. But changing the source to a custom tile server gives me an error. Also using webpack
Uncaught TypeError: a.V is not a function
at Hv.k.Nf (react-openlayers.umd.js:563)
at eh (react-openlayers.umd.js:558)
at Hv.k.Lf (react-openlayers.umd.js:563)
at react-openlayers.umd.js:562
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at D.k.forEach (react-openlayers.umd.js:460)
at fh.k.Lf (react-openlayers.umd.js:562)
at G.k.hp (react-openlayers.umd.js:702)
at G.<anonymous> (react-openlayers.umd.js:689)
k.Nf @ react-openlayers.umd.js:563
eh @ react-openlayers.umd.js:558
k.Lf @ react-openlayers.umd.js:563
(anonymous) @ react-openlayers.umd.js:562
k.forEach @ react-openlayers.umd.js:460
k.Lf @ react-openlayers.umd.js:562
k.hp @ react-openlayers.umd.js:702
(anonymous) @ react-openlayers.umd.js:689
a.V is really not defined. Just by guessing it could be one of the tile functions, that don't seem to be minified, but are called like they were?
Edit: I got my tryout-project working, by configuring typescript and using src/index.tsx as entrypoint (not the compiled version from dist). I also had to install geo-coder module. Now custom source works. But of course this setup is not usable :)
I debugged the minified source (formatted) in chrome, and probably found the original openlayers code, causing the problem.
This looks like the following code
This would mean the source.getSourceState() function is not defined (for whatever reason). Hope this helps narrowing down the problem
I'm having the same problem
I am also having this problem
+1 😢
I'm guessing it has something to do with the embedded version of Openlayers in this library vs. the project dependency needed for import * as ol from 'openlayers'
(because the one in react-openlayer isn't accessible).
Maybe the instance of e.g. ol.source.vector (created with project OL) isn't compatible with the react-openlayer OL, possibly because of different uglification?
This could be fixed if we could use the embedded OL.
@ivesdebruycker please make PR if you find a solution. I just try to wrap it, and I am not an openlayer expert. 😢
@allenhwkim @ivesdebruycker Did you ever get a solution to this? I'm having the same issue.
@martinmcneela I wrote a simple React component, which was sufficient for my needs:
anyone found a solution, integrated other components or found a workaround?