J. Allen Baron

Results 76 comments of J. Allen Baron

There are 44 xrefs to previous releases of SNOMED. They are listed in their entirety below and in this file: [SNOMED_xrefs-pre_2021_09.csv](https://github.com/DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology/files/7810147/SNOMED_xrefs-pre_2021_09.csv) ## 2018_03_01 - [ ] DOID:0040098 | pemphigus gestationis...

Thank you Ranjana. We will review this and get back to you.

Some of the definition source URLs for the anthrax types have been updated.

Thank you for the additional recommendation and details.

You're right. I didn't notice that the reverse diff is also using IDs instead of labels for terms that are "added". Changing the ontology IRI of either file fixes the...

I just created "fake" as a dummy class for the reprex (it shouldn't have any methods). The actual usage where I discovered this was in converting the `esummary` class of...

``` r library(rentrez) library(tidyr) #> Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 4.1.2 library(tibble) pmid

The package maintainer isn't currently available to reply. You may be able to find what you need in the [Entrez Utilities documentation](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/home/develop/api/). The [Clinvar docs](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/docs/maintenance_use/) do say that Clinvar is...

In my experience, E-utilities doesn't generally use the NM/NP identifiers. You might try using `entrez_link()` to access the gene database with your identifier (which appears to be 5925) and request...