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A BERT model for scientific text.
Hello! I am attempting to replicate some of the experiments described in the paper. Do you have any recommendations for using BERT-Base with the `` script. The PyTorch implementation of...
Hi Thanks for your awesome work of domain BERT model. I just tried the pre-trained BERT in PyTorch for binary classification using this link. Is there any simple tutorial...
Hi everyone! I tried the following command to use my fine-tuned model for NER. `python -m predict --output-file=out.txt --include-package=scibert ./ner_model_bc5cdr/model.tar.gz ./data/ner/bc5cdr/test.txt` I have used the same commands you mention...
I am using the newest version of Transformers (i.e. version 3.0) and try to load a Scibert model using the following code `scibert_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased') scibert_model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased') ` When...
Hello, We have our model fine-tuned over the chemprot dataset you've provided, and have now downloaded the model to run predictions locally. However, loading and running the model seems to...
I'm curious about how PICO and dependency parsing was trained using sciBert. For PICO, I can imagine training being set up like squad, where a 'question' is one if the...
Hi, Thanks for your awesome work! I would like to use SciBERT for text classification. I managed to get some results by directly using the script with modifying the...
I tried using SciBERT for NER using the following command- from transformers import * tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased') model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased') nlp = pipeline('ner',model = model,tokenizer=tokenizer) nlp('Clinical features of culture-proven Mycoplasma...
Hey, thanks for your awesome work! In the paper you write that you use macro F1-scores. On JNLPBA, however, we typically see micro average being ~4pp lower than the macro...