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Bi-directional Attention Flow (BiDAF) network is a multi-stage hierarchical process that represents context at different levels of granularity and uses a bi-directional attention flow mechanism to ach...

Results 74 bi-att-flow issues
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I'm getting this error when trying to train given the instructions in the README

``$ python -m basic.cli --mode train --noload --debug Traceback (most recent call last): File "anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.5/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", mod_spec) File "anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.5/", line 85, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File...

Hi, is there work inprogress which makes this work with TF2.0?

Dear scholar, I have doubts about one mathematical symbol in your classical paper "bi-att-flow". In the paper ,you said the dimension of similar matrix S is T times J. But... I cannot download the data through the above link when I want to use the tqa branch , do you mind give me a new link? Thank you...

after: python -m basic.cli --mode train --noload --debug ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 900 and 300 for 'model_0/prepro/u1/fw/fw/while/basic_lstm_cell/MatMul_6' (op: 'MatMul') with input shapes: [?,900], [300,400]. why?

This error pops up everytime i try to run '' from demo branch. command: python3 `Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 16, in demo = Demo() File...

I‘m confused why query to context need to get max value in columns? It's different from context to query. And what is the meaning of ![image]( in combined vector

I got the error FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'save/37/shared.json' save file is not available on I find it in out folder on