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Public repository associated with Abductive Commonsense Reasoning, ICLR 2020


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/allenai/abductive-commonsense-reasoning.git
  2. Install requirements in a Python 3.7 environment
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download Data and Models
    sh get-data.sh

The script will create data/ and models/ directories containing subdirectories anli and anlg for the Abuctive Inference and Generation tasks respectively. The size of the data and models is around 12G. If you'd like to download data:

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2-mosaic/public/abductive-commonsense-reasoning-iclr2020/anli.zip
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2-mosaic/public/abductive-commonsense-reasoning-iclr2020/anlg.zip


  1. Abductive Inference

    Interactive Demo

    python anli/demo.py --saved_model_dir models/bert-ft-lr1e-5-batch8-epoch4/ --gpu_id 0 --interactive
  2. Abductive Generation


title={Abductive Commonsense Reasoning},
author={Chandra Bhagavatula and Ronan Le Bras and Chaitanya Malaviya and Keisuke Sakaguchi and Ari Holtzman and Hannah Rashkin and Doug Downey and Wen-tau Yih and Yejin Choi},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},