Vladimir Jimenez

Results 81 comments of Vladimir Jimenez

I feel like with the widespread support and usage of CSS "variables" (aka custom properties), the need for CSS preprocessors has lessened significantly compared to a few years ago. Unless...

> I feel like it'd be appropriate to have some discussion/thoughts regarding how we define an "accessible theme." [WCAG is flawed in some cases](https://blog.datawrapper.de/color-contrast-check-data-vis-wcag-apca/) and there's a new player in...

I don't think we should be treating these keyframe "waypoints" as numbers or tags; nor should `from` and `to` be highlighted as numbers even though they are just aliases for...

I think it'd be great if we could start translating our documentation into other languages. However, I agree with Josh where we would need several dedicated users to help us...

Oh I agree, we should not reduce English readability. I'm just thinking that if someone finds something that is translated very poorly and they're able to rewrite it to be...

Oh, err, allow me to clarify a bit; I wasn't super clear :sweat_smile: I didn't mean to use Google Translate to translate the README or RTD and then dump that...

So I've been thinking about this a bit more. Originally my suggestion for using Google Translate was to use Google's widget that you could embed in your website and it'll...

I'm personally very fond of the way the Jekyll team handles their changelog. They exclude the changelog commit from the PR and it is only done *after* the PR is...

Same issue here, seems like [3.2 for twig-bridge](https://github.com/symfony/symfony/blob/3.2/src/Symfony/Bridge/Twig/Extension/CodeExtension.php#L201-L208) has changed the way this is handled and fixes the issue.

Slightly different implementation from @codeg-pl's version that allows for something closer to PHP's syntax. ```php