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Feature Request: User should be able to configure number of raw data rows to show on screen and export with a reasonable max
Because the generated grid does not use virtual scrolling there will obviously be a limit here to how rows we can reasonably show on screen. Also, b/c the UI creates the csv we will have similar limitations there with memory but we can definitely go more than 100.
I think we should let that for cube admin to decide. Add to config field for maxRows (need better name) with default - current 100.
Question: should it be configured per cube or globally?
@mkuthan what you think?
I would remove raw data export at all. For data cubes with approximate metrics the output contains binary data sketch representation ... Everything under the "gear" menu is rather from developers than end users.
@ORIGINALUSRNM - could you elaborate what is a reason for raw data export instead of export to TSV/CSV from share menu?
Agree with @adrianmroz. Having an option per cube or globally on how many records should be included in the csv/tsv export would help a lot. This is also a number 1 request from our internal users.
Agree with @adrianmroz. Having an option per cube or globally on how many records should be included in the csv/tsv export would help a lot.
I proposed configuration for raw data modal, not csv export. And I would go with @mkuthan, and limit this function. It shouldn't be used by end users.
Question is, why users want more data exported than is presented on visualisation? There's no one, general limit setting for this and shouldn't be. Many splits have different limits, continuous dimensions have their own rules with granularity etc. You always should get in csv exactly that you see on the visualisation. What's the real use case?