consul-registration-hook copied to clipboard
Detail Document Needed to Setup consul-registration-hook
Is there any detailed documentation available to setup consul-registration-hook with kubernetes. My requirement is to register PODS and its IP address with Consul.
[myhost:/home/users/ashishrajshek/consul-registration-hook/cmd/consul-registration-hook]$ export KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST= [myhost:/home/users/ashishrajshek/consul-registration-hook/cmd/consul-registration-hook]$ export KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=6443 [myhost:/home/users/ashishrajshek/consul-registration-hook/cmd/consul-registration-hook]$ ./consul-registration-hook register k8s 2020/07/14 05:43:55 consul-registration-hook (version: ) 2020/07/14 05:43:55 Registering services using data from Kubernetes API 2020/07/14 05:43:55 error getting services to register: unable create K8S API client: couldn't initialize client: open /var/run/secrets/ no such file or directory
Are You running this command from inside of the running POD? In /var/run/secrets/
should be default serviceaccount data as K8S documentation states:
Hi Oskar,
Thanks for your quick response. Let me check via POD and get back.
What is the value I should be passing in GS_URL, KUBERNETES_POD_NAME, KUBERNETES_POD_NAMESPACE and HOST_IP in below yaml file. I have a consul running on
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: pod-with-consul-hook labels: consul: service-name spec: initContainers:
- name: hook-init-container
image: google/cloud-sdk:alpine
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "gsutil cat ${GS_URL} | tar -C /hooks -zxvf -"]
- name: GS_URL value: '' volumeMounts:
- name: hooks mountPath: /hooks containers:
- name: service-with-consul-hook-container
image: python:2
command: ["python", "-m", "SimpleHTTPServer", "8080"]
- name: KUBERNETES_POD_NAME value: 'ashishpodname'
- name: KUBERNETES_POD_NAMESPACE value: 'default'
- name: HOST_IP value: ''
- name: CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR value: "$(HOST_IP):8500" ports:
- containerPort: 8080 volumeMounts:
- name: hooks mountPath: /hooks lifecycle: postStart: exec: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/hooks/consul-registration-hook register k8s"] preStop: exec: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/hooks/consul-registration-hook deregister k8s"] volumes:
- name: hooks emptyDir: {}
2020/07/14 05:43:55 error getting services to register: unable create K8S API client: couldn't initialize client: open /var/run/secrets/ no such file or directory
Has nothing to do with environment variables and their values. Problem lies in the lack of a serviceaccount directory inside POD. There (in POD where hook is executed) should be directory as below:
~$kubectl run my-shell --rm -i --tty --image ubuntu:latest -- bash
root@my-shell-67f75f7478-kds4r:/# ls -al /var/run/secrets/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 100 Jul 14 00:00 ..2020_07_14_00_00_00
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Jul 14 00:00 -> ..2020_07_14_00_00_00
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jul 14 00:00 ca.crt ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Jul 14 00:00 namespace ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Jul 14 00:00 token ->
I also have access to Service Account directory
[myhost:/home/users/ashishrajshek]$ kubectl run my-shell --rm -i --tty --image ubuntu:latest -- bash If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter. root@my-shell:/# ls -al /var/run/secrets/ total 0 drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 140 Jul 14 17:20 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 28 Jul 14 17:21 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 100 Jul 14 17:20 ..2020_07_14_17_20_58.384039542 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Jul 14 17:20 -> ..2020_07_14_17_20_58.384039542 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Jul 14 17:20 ca.crt -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Jul 14 17:20 namespace -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Jul 14 17:20 token -> root@my-shell:/#
Getting this exception when trying to register via POD.
$kubectl describe pod pod-with-consul-hook
Type Reason Age From Message
Normal Scheduled default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/pod-with-consul-hook to myhost
Normal Pulled 12s kubelet, myhost Container image "python:2" already present on machine
Normal Created 12s kubelet, myhost Created container service-with-consul-hook-container
Normal Started 12s kubelet, myhost Started container service-with-consul-hook-container
Warning FailedPostStartHook 1s kubelet, myhost Exec lifecycle hook ([/bin/sh -c /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook register k8s]) for Container "service-with-consul-hook-container" in Pod "pod-with-consul-hook_default(51624215-6b8a-4d64-9790-cf0d0902fd1a)" failed - error: command '/bin/sh -c /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-
hook register k8s' exited with 1:
2020/07/14 18:00:56 consul-registration-hook (version: )
2020/07/14 18:00:56 Registering services using data from Kubernetes API
2020/07/14 18:01:05 unable to get pod data from API: unable to get pod data from API: kubernetes api: Failure 403 pods "pod-with-consul-hook" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:default" cannot get resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
2020/07/14 18:01:06 error getting services to register: unable to get pod data from API: could not get valid Pod data after 10s
2020/07/14 18:01:05 unable to get pod data from API: unable to get pod data from API: kubernetes api: Failure 403 pods "pod-with-consul-hook" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:default" cannot get resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
serviceaccount injected to POD must have broader permissions.
I elevated the permissions to admin role.
In POD Events i get the below exceptions:
Warning FailedPostStartHook 3m17s kubelet, Exec lifecycle hook ([/bin/sh -c /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook register k8s]) for Container "service-with-consul-hook-container" in Pod "pod-with-consul-hook_default(624441b4-5fb8-432d-a72c-ab12a4015551)" failed - error: command '/bin/sh -c /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook register k8s' exited with 1:
2020/07/15 08:13:02 consul-registration-hook (version: )
2020/07/15 08:13:02 Registering services using data from Kubernetes API
2020/07/15 08:13:12 error getting services to register: unable to get pod data from API: could not get valid Pod data after 10s, message: "
When I try to run same command from inside the POD, Service is registered.
[myhost:/home/users/ashishrajshek/consul-registration-hook]$ kubectl exec -it pod-with-consul-hook sh kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.
/hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook register k8s
2020/07/15 08:35:21 consul-registration-hook (version: ) 2020/07/15 08:35:21 Registering services using data from Kubernetes API 2020/07/15 08:35:21 Won't include failure domain data in registration: failure domain labels don't exist 2020/07/15 08:35:21 no port configuration (PORT_DEFINITIONS) 2020/07/15 08:35:21 Found 1 services to register 2020/07/15 08:35:21 Registering "service-name" service in Consul agent
/hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook deregister k8s
2020/07/15 08:35:46 consul-registration-hook (version: ) 2020/07/15 08:35:46 Deregistering services using data from Kubernetes API 2020/07/15 08:35:46 Won't include failure domain data in registration: failure domain labels don't exist 2020/07/15 08:35:46 no port configuration (PORT_DEFINITIONS) 2020/07/15 08:35:46 Found 1 services to deregister 2020/07/15 08:35:46 Deregistering "" service in Consul agent
When I try to run same command from inside the POD, Service is registered.
So everything works, hook should be executed from inside of the POD.
Are logs stored anywhere inside POD while registering and de registering services. If yes which location?
Hook prints logs to stdout/err.
Any idea on this exception:
Warning FailedPostStartHook 40s (x3 over 66s) kubelet, Exec lifecycle hook ([/bin/sh -c /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook register k8s]) for Container "cidtestserver" in Pod "cidtestserver-2_default(a56d696a-e3df-4a07-8d86-65a36e38f284)" failed - error: command '/bin/sh -c /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook register k8s' exited with 126: /bin/sh: /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook: Permission denied , message: "/bin/sh: /hooks/hooks/consul-registration-hook: Permission denied\n"