Bobby Allen
Bobby Allen
Yeah I agree! - I'm sure that once upon a time they did though ;) - Maybe over the last couple of years they've been stripped out without an understanding...
Yeah, the "quock fix" would be yo Open up the x_accounts table in the sentora_core database and delete the row from the table that has that email address... Then re-create...
No problem buddy :) Sent from my iPhone > On 17 Mar 2015, at 21:49, yusufn [email protected] wrote: > > Wow. I popped to the shop just after posting this,...
Thanks for the feature request Peter. I'll investigate this week about the best way to implement such a feature :) (low-latency, internet based communication between two controllers being the key...
Hey @jacksnodgrass, To be honest, I'm not too familiar with running Fedora on the Raspberry Pi but I suspect that you *may* need to install GPIO support or obtain a...
Hey @ComputerCarsten, I've released a new version (v3.5.0) this morning. Please could you re-attempt the installation again and let me know how it goes for you?
> RTS/DTR As in **Data Terminal Ready** (RS232 Control Signal) - Such as on Audino boards etc? If this is the case, this should be pretty straightforward - Let me...