I would also be interested if there are plans to support Caddy v2. Thanks for your great work.
Hi everone, very interesting thread. I also installed Chromium OS (Special build from Arnold) and replaced the content of the sd*3 partition with the asuka recovery build. I did not...
Okay, found it. I had to change the settings in the file selinux.conf to permissive. The apps are working really fast, multiple apps at the same time are no problems...
Do you have a working Chromium OS installation from on your PC?
fine. then you need to download a recovery image, which is is fitting for your architecture/platform you have here a list for all supported devices here you can find...
I updated my description / mistakes. Thank you for your feedback. In your case the required partition seems to be loop2p3. Try that for the losetup command.
@ggy7 did you remove this file: /home/chronos/local/etc/modprobe/alsa-skl.conf it prevents loading the kernel module for sound
Well, maybe a new ebuild (perhaps called lakka) would be a better approach than using the retroarch ebuild.
Thank you for your feedback. You are right. Gentoo is all about freedom / choice , so we should support openrc and systemd. I posted the original files, because I...
They way I use retroarch is through framebuffer (kms, egl) and not Xorg. I created a new user and put him into the groups video usb input users audio With...