Luna-Engine copied to clipboard
Luna Engine is DirectX 11 based engine that i am trying to make.
Luna Engine is DirectX 11 based engine that i develop. Main reason why is that i want to learn more and try it all by myself
I made trello panel, so you can see what i want to do, what i already done and what i am working on atm.
Update VS if you see: is not the pdb file that was used when this precompiled header was created, recreate the precompiled header.
Version 0.1.209
Updated Main Example
Splash screen before launching main engine!
- Some examples are @ Compiled/Windows_Build/Bin/Engine
- Pretty simple to use!
// Show splashscreen SplashScreen::Launch(L"Engine/SplashEditor.bmp", 5 * 1000);
This line of code will create splash screen for 5 seconds from specifed image.
Deferred Renderer is now WIP!
- Rendering setup code is now easy!
void _DirectX::InitGameData() {
gRenderer = new RendererDeferred();
// ...
void _DirectX::CreateResources() {
// Create renderer's resources
// ...
bool _DirectX::Render() {
static uint gRenderFrame = 0;
// Reset counters
gDrawCallInstanceCount = 0;
gDispatchCallCount = 0;
gDrawCallCount = 0;
// Resize event
// Bind and clear RTV
// Render world
// Render to screen
gContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &gRTV, gDSV);
// Debug
// Handle present event
Present(1, 0);
// End of frame
return false;
void _DirectX::Resize() {
WindowConfig wcfg = gHighLevel.DefaultResize();
if( !wcfg.Resized ) return;
// Resize renderer
// ...
void _DirectX::FreeResources() {
// Cleanup
// ...
void _DirectX::Unload() {
SAFE_RELEASE_RENDERER(RendererDeferred, gRenderer);
New 2D drawing functions
- Triangle
- CircleOuter
- Texture
Entity Component System is now part of LunaEngine!
ECS based Scene system!
- Load & add models with ease
- New id based camera system You can now create multiple cameras per single scene!
gScene->MakeCameraFOVH(0, .1f, 10000.f, 1366.f, 768.f, 70.f);
- Create scene
gMainScene = new Scene(); gMainScene->SetAsActive(); // Bind current scene as active
New ECS based mesh system
- Now all shaders that will be used for new Scene rendering system, must specify Layout Generator flag before loading shaders
- New Scene's Mesh component separates all vertex buffers into several (Position, Texcoord, Normal, etc...)
- All other shaders will remain unaffected by this change
Old camera system will be deprecated soon
New camera control system WIP
- Component based
- Example of adding first person controls:
// Create input controller for player camera float fSpeed = 200.f; MovementControlComponent lMovementControlComp{}; lMovementControlComp.mAssignedControls = { InputControl(VK_A, GamepadButtonState::_StickL).SetValue(0.f, 0.f, -fSpeed).OrientationDependent(), InputControl(VK_D, GamepadButtonState::_StickL).SetValue(0.f, 0.f, +fSpeed).OrientationDependent(), InputControl(VK_W, GamepadButtonState::_StickL).SetValue(+fSpeed).OrientationDependent(), InputControl(VK_S, GamepadButtonState::_StickL).SetValue(-fSpeed).OrientationDependent(), InputControl(MouseButton::AxisXY).SetValue(1.f, 1.f).OrientationUpdate() }; // Create cameras gMainScene->MakeCameraFOVH(0, .2f, 10000.f, (float)(gRenderer->Width()), (float)(gRenderer->Height()), 70.f); // Player gMainScene->MakeCameraFOVH(1, .2f, 10000.f, 2048.f, 2048.f, 70.f); // Sun Light camera gMainScene->SetActiveCamera(0); gMainScene->UpdateMadeCameras(); gMainScene->GetCamera(0)->cTransf->vPosition = float3(0.f, 10.f, 0.f); // Add controls to main camera gMainScene->AddComponent(gMainScene->GetActiveCameraHandle(), &lMovementControlComp);
New utils
File System (WIP)
- File Mapping
- R/W Access
- (In future) Virtual file system
- Config files
Singleton class
Scoped Resource Mapping
ScopeMapConstantBuffer<Type> q(CB);
Order of operations:
- Map CB
- Your code with
- Unmap CB
{ ScopeMapConstantBuffer<DataBuffer> q(cbDataBuffer);>_InvViewProj = params.mInvViewProj;>_CameraPos = Camera::Current()->GetPosition();>_MinFadeDist2 = params.fMinFadeDist * params.fMinFadeDist;>_MaxFadeDist2 = params.fMaxFadeDist * params.fMaxFadeDist; }
ScopeMapConstantBufferCopy<Type> q(CB, DataPtr);
Order of operations:
- Map CB
- Copy from DataPtr to
- Your code with
- Unmap CB
{ // Update CB ScopeMapConstantBufferCopy<TransformBuff> q(cb, (void*)&this->mWorld); } cb->Bind(types, slot);
Same goes for ScopedMapResource
Fixed CountLines powershell script
Wrapper for ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw* & Dispatch* calls
- Arguments same as for ID3D11DeviceContext::* versions
DXDraw(UINT VertexCount, UINT StartVertexLocation); DXDrawAuto(); DXDrawIndexed(UINT IndexCount, UINT StartIndexLocation, UINT BaseVertexLocation); DXDrawIndexedInstanced(UINT IndexCountPerInstance, UINT InstanceCount, UINT StartIndexLocation, UINT BaseVertexLocation, UINT StartInstanceLocation); DXDrawIndexedInstancedIndirect(ID3D11Buffer *pBufferForArgs, UINT AlignedByteOffsetForArgs); DXDrawInstanced(UINT VertexCountPerInstance, UINT InstanceCount, UINT StartVertexLocation, UINT StartInstanceLocation); DXDrawInstancedIndirect(ID3D11Buffer *pBufferForArgs, UINT AlignedByteOffsetForArgs); DXDispatch(UINT ThreadGroupCountX, UINT ThreadGroupCountY, UINT ThreadGroupCountZ); DXDispatchIndirect(ID3D11Buffer *pBufferForArgs, UINT AlignedByteOffsetForArgs);
- Volumetric Lighting (WIP, Currently Works only for Sun Light)
- (Screenshots were taken with MSAA 8x & full scale Volumetric Lighting)
- HDR Luma view (WIP)
- UI (WIP)
- Several basic primitives UIRectangle, UIRoundrect.
- Easy to use UIScrollbars(vertical only atm) & UIContainers!
- Everything that is inside of the container - will be drawn relative to it's position
- UIAtlas for UI texture atlas generation.
// Container example UIContainer c0(8.f, 81.f, 188.f, 256.f); // Scrollbar example UIScrollbar vsb(UIScrollbarType::Vertical);
- Deferred Renderer is finally WIP!
- Deferred PBR/IBL is WIP
- D32S8 depth buffers are now supported by Render Targets.
- (Doesn't support true-MSAA)
- Basic RenderDoc integration is here!
// Enable RenderDoc // Doing such - will disable DX Debug Layer messages const bool RenderDocEnable = true; gDirectX = gHighLevel.InitDirectX(dxCFG, RenderDocEnable); // void HighLevel::RenderDocCaptureBegin(); void HighLevel::RenderDocCaptureEnd(); void HighLevel::RenderDocLaunchUI(); bool HighLevel::RenderDocGetUI();
- Updated up to Assimp 5.0. Now engine supports PBR materials from gltf. (r: Ambient Occlusion, g: Roughness, b: Metallic)
- More engine states
// Game tick function void Tick(float fDeltaTime); // Render frame bool Render(); // Render UI; maybe soon deprecated void ComposeUI(); // Handle resize event void Resize(); // Game initialization void InitGameData(); // Allocate memory for resources void CreateResources(); // Will be runned 2nd time on device-lost event // Desc: Create DX resources here void PostCreateResources(bool Recreated=false); // Game unloading void FreeResources(); // Will be runned on device-lost/game end event // Desc: Release DX resources here void Unload(); // Game is already closing void Present(UINT SyncInterval, UINT Flags); // Wrapper for IDXGISwapChain::Present();
- Added
for HLSL Tools Extension for Visual Studio
- Crash on physics destroy event
- Some warnings
- Working on resolving non-released objects at the end of the app
Version 0.1.120
- Added Attribute Vertex Clouds example. Quick and dirty.
- Some basic profiling tools for graphics debugging
- ScopedRangeProfiler * Basically it calls RangeProfiler::Begin(ScopeName) and (when out of scope) RangeProfiler::End() for you.
- RangeProfiler * RangeProfiler::Begin(Name); - Enters event scope * RangeProfiler::End(); - End of last event scope
When using RenderDoc you will see this:
ScopedRangeProfiler s1(L"Render depth buffer for directional light");
rtDepth->Clear(0.f, 0, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH | D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL);
// Default is 1 ^^^
gContext->OMSetDepthStencilState(pDSS_Default, 1);
RenderScene(cLight, RendererFlags::DepthPass | RendererFlags::OpaquePass);
Didn't mentioned it in any of the prev. updates. Engine now uses inverse depth buffer. So the logic for shaders and CPU side code must consider this.
For example, depth msaa resolve function was:
[unroll(16)] // 32 - is max; 8 - max for me
for( uint i = 0; i < _SampleCount; i++ )
depth = min(depth, _In.Load(DTid.xy, i));
Now it is:
[unroll(16)] // 32 - is max; 8 - max for me
for( uint i = 0; i < _SampleCount; i++ )
depth = max(depth, _In.Load(DTid.xy, i));
Depth sampling was:
float depth = _DepthTexture.Sample(_LinearSampler, In.Texcoord);
float depth = 1.f - _DepthTexture.Sample(_LinearSampler, In.Texcoord);
Clear for depth buffer was:
rtDepth->Clear(1.f, 0, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH | D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL);
rtDepth->Clear(0.f, 0, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH | D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL);
Version 0.1.111
MSAA support for RenderTargets
Deleted old RenderBuffer* classes
Created RenderTarget class
- 1D/2D/3D RTV/DSV support
- UAV for RTVs if needed
- MSAA support
- ArraySize support
- Custom amount of RenderBuffers [0-8]
- Depth buffer can present if needed
- Cubemaps and Cubemap arrays will be added later
size_t dim,
size_t BufferNum,
bool DepthBuffer=false,
size_t ArraySize=1,
bool WillHaveMSAA=false,
bool Cube=false
Version 0.1.101
- Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion
- Memory usage functions
- Current Usage
- Avaliable For Reservation
- Budget
- Current Reservation
- Working on HDR/WCG Support
- Bokeh (WIP; It's very unstanble atm)
- Depth Of Field (WIP; Must remove linear interpolation and do it with rsqrt)
- Graphs to see performance of various things
- Timer class got an update. Now you can specify several more settings
- Log values to the console?
- Lambda or any other type of function that will operate on destruction of Timer
- PlotData(Windows project) structure for easier work with ImGui::Plot
- Switched to inverse depth buffer (This means that only Windows project is working properly atm)
Version 0.1.080
- Million particles test
- MSVS 2017+
- 2019+ might ask about upgrading to newer tools, it's should still work. I haven't checked it in a while
- Platform Toolset v141+
- x86 / x64-bit system
- Windows SDK Version - 10.0.17763+
- Videocard with DX 11 support
- Target platform is Windows 10
- It might not work on older versions
- I plan on adding DX 12 with DXR support, so stay tuned!
x86 / x64 builds
3D Particles
2D Particles
Semi-Automated generartion of
- Structured Buffer with or without UAV
- Constant Buffer
- Vertex Buffer
- Index Buffer
- Shaders
- IA/OM/... States
- And more!
Render Buffers
Model loading (avaliable all formats from Assimp)
2D Textures
Cube Maps
Physics Engine
- Avaliable Colliders:
- Plane
- Sphere
- Avaliable Colliders:
Audio Engine
- Loading of WAV files
- Usage of XInput2 library
- Separate volume for each sound
- Master volume
Text Engine
- Multiple Fonts
- Real-Time text generation
- Text alignment
- SDF Rendering
Material system
- Support for loading and using those texture types:
- Diffuse
- Normal
- Opacity
- Specular
- Support for loading and using those texture types:
Input system
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Multiple Gamepad support
2D Drawing API (HighLevel/DirectX/Utilities.h)
- Circles (Filled and Outlined)
- Rectangles
- Lines
- Set/Get Draw Color
What do I plan to do in the future? / What am i working on?
- You can check out my Trello.
3rd-party libs
- Assimp - For loading
- FreeType
- Image - For loading textures
- Vorbis (not yet implemented) - For loading ogg files