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Single Page Layout Testing
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] Testing of Single Page Layout
- [ ] Regression testing of the client
Additional Context
Testing scope:
callouts on spaces and all subspace levels
- crud
- move
- direct links
- move post cards (aspects)
- share
- change innovation flow
- change states callout to different innovation flow states
- draft - publish
- publish - draft - publish
- closed state
- callout templates - no
activity logs
- dashboard
- my
- all
- space / subspaces
- dashboard
Menu bar left #5854 Verify on: Chrome, Edge, Safari, Mobile safari, Mobile chrome
- [ ] "Menu bar" with buttons as per design
- [ ] On hover, show tooltip as per design Buttons:
- [ ] Index: opens #5868
- [ ] Subspaces: opens #5866
- [ ] Community: opens #5867
- [ ] Activity: opens #5750
- [ ] Events: opens events dialog that we currenly already have
- [ ] Share: opens share dialog that we currently already have
- [ ] Settings: opens settings page
Dialog for Contributors #5867 Verify on: Chrome, Edge, Safari, Mobile safari, Mobile chrome
- [ ] new dialog with what is currently the "Contributors" block on the Community tab of a Space
- [ ] width same as original block: 8 col
- [ ]
Subspace settings page back button #5887
- [ ] add a button on the right side of the settings tabs, with arrow to the left stating "Quit Settings", to bring the user to the main view of the subspace (thus not back where they came from)
- [ ] use back button component
- [ ]
Description block top left #5853
- Description block top left (as is)
- Description, truncated (as is)
- Lead user/org (as is)
- [ ] Add "about" button inside description block on subspace (If this is the same component, perfectly fine to also change this on Space level, no need to differentiate)
- [ ]
Dialog for Index (list of callouts) #5868
- [ ] new dialog with what is currently the "List of Callouts" block on the Contribute tab of a Challenge/Opportunity and on the Knowledge base in a Space
- [ ] Add filter bar as per design, filtering on the full title + preferably the innovation flow state
- [ ] Width to be same as current width (4col)
- [ ]
Dialog for Subspaces #5866
- [ ] new dialog with what is currently the "subspaces" block on the subspaces (challenges/opportunities) page in a Space/Challenge
- [ ] mobile: horizontal scroll
- [ ] use the width of the column the original block is in (8col)
Mobile page layout #5860
- [ ] On main view, only show add callout button + callouts
- [ ] Stuck to the bottom (mui bottom navigation), show menu icon and selected state + arrows to move to the next/previous state
- [ ] Allow for swiping left/right to see previous/next state
- [ ] Do not rotate: if there is no state to the left, disable arrow and do not allow left swipe
- [ ] Burger menu opens mui drawer as per design
- [ ] Top: truncated introduction, leads. Truncate the introduction text as much as needed to fit the rest of the content of the menu.
- [ ] Below full menu:
- About: open about dialog
- Outline: open dialog from hierarchy block #5855
- Index: open dialog #5868
- Subspaces: open dialog #5866
- Contributors: open dialog #5867
- Activity: open dialog #5750
- Events: open events dialog
- Share: open share dialog
- Manage flow: open Innovation flow management dialog (only visible for G(S)A and Space admins/leads)
- Settings: open settings page (only visible for (only visible for G(S)A and Space admins/leads)