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Enriching the application form
As an admin, I want to create a nice and inviting application form.
Acceptance criteria
- [ ] Client to display the explanation field for each question in markdown
- [ ] closingMessage field in markdown, that is then shown in form
Additional Context
Example of ideal structure:
Community Membership Application Form
Thank you for expressing interest in joining our vibrant community. We're thrilled to learn more about you and how you can contribute. Please take a moment to complete the following application form.
1. What brings you here?
Please introduce yourself and share what motivated you to explore membership in our community.
[Your answer here]
2. What do you hope to gain from being part of this community?
Let us know your expectations and what you're looking forward to experiencing within our community.
[Your answer here]
3. How can you contribute to this community?
We value diverse perspectives and skills. Tell us how you can enrich our community.
[Your answer here]
4. How did you discover this community?
We're curious! Was it through a friend, social media, or some other avenue?
[Your answer here]
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application. We eagerly anticipate getting to know you better! 🌟
Areas that will be affected
To be added during the refinement