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Callouts: roadmap!! subscriptions, ordering, states etc
Next phase for Callouts - likely to be split into multiple epics.
Initiative / goal
User engagement
Admins want to restrict the set of information they are calling out for
Acceptance criteria and must have scope
Potential items to include?
- [ ] Allowing more fine grained control over who can edit a callout?
- [ ] Optionsto restrict the types of callouts that users can add
- [ ] Different display options for key callouts (e.g. cards as per TIPs feedback)
- [ ] ...
[ ] Expand button for list of callouts in Challenge
[ ] something to ensure the tags take less space
[ ] Easily edit challenge / opportunity flow / add steps
[ ] Description box to be adjustable
[ ] Description box per phase
[ ] Next step / previous step
[ ] Dialog to move callouts to other tabs to also be drag and drop
[ ] Subscriptions for callout related events
[ ] Ordering of callouts via admin
[ ] Interactions around the different Callout states, e.g. when to archive? Timelines / dates?
There is so much more potential for these Callouts that we want to explore with you in the coming months. For example:
- Additional Callout types: for example to let the members vote, or in task list with jobs to be done
- Enriching the Callout concept: for example closing your Callout for further answers, timeline for the Callout (when it is open, when it is closed etc), summarizing the results, or connecting your Callouts to different Innovation Flow fases.