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Tidb-operator creates/configures/manages tidb clusters atop Kubernetes


tidb-operator manage multiple tidb cluster atop Kubernetes, support multi-tenant, and online scale up or dowm, rolling upgrades, multiple disk mount points, full / incremental migrate data to tidb cluster, all operations web.

Note: Currently only support kubernetes version is 1.7, all port ranges [10000-15000). Only provide restful api, easy to integrate into the existing web frame.

Build images

Build all docker images and push to your private docker registry, default version is latest:

make build && make push


Install kubernetes if have already installed, skip this step

Note: Due to GFW reasons, some installation packages and images can not be obtained, you need to download to the local upload to the specified server and then install. See: kubernetes ./kubernetes/deploy directory.

Access kubernetes dashboard: http://<NodeIP>:10281

Download source code to loacal

Git clone the project to $GOPATH/src/github/ffan dir

Deploy prometheus/grafana on kubernetes

make install-grafana # run this shell on kubernetes master

Access grafana: http://<NodeIP>:12802, user&password is admin/admin.

Startup tidb-operator

To start on kubernetes cluster

make install-tidb-operator # run this shell on kubernetes master


cd ./operator && ln -s swagger ../swagger # ln swagger to `./tidb-operator`
# beego, set the kubenetes API server endpoint before running,
# for example `export K8S_ADDRESS=` or midify restart.sh
bee run -downdoc=true
# or

Access endpoint: