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Alibaba Cloud SDK for .NET
发送邮件sdk缺陷 涉及sdk aliyun-net-sdk-dm aliyun-net-sdk-core htmlBody 请不要拼接到querystring里,复现方法:使用50KB以上的邮件正文,会报 uri too long.
``` C# AlibabaCloudCredentialsProvider provider = new AccessKeyCredentialProvider("", ""); IClientProfile profile = DefaultProfile.GetProfile("cn-hangzhou"); DefaultAcsClient client = new DefaultAcsClient(profile, provider); var request = new AssumeRoleRequest { RoleArn = "", RoleSessionName = "",... The only error of Codacy need ignore.
发送短信验证码出现错误: Only the invariant culture is supported in globalization-invariant mode. See for more information.
现在dotnet网络请求基本都使用HttpClient了,aliyun sdk还在使用早已过时的HttpWebRequest,导致使用aliyun sdk的项目性能问题很突出。另外很多明显更适合使用异步请求的地方你们依然用的是同步方法,也会导致体验很差 上面代码中 `endpoints` 使用了非线程安全字典 `Dictionary`。在字典中查询key过程中其他线程对字典进行修改会导致`InvalidOperationException`,异常堆栈信息如下: ``` System.InvalidOperationException: Operations that change non-concurrent collections must have exclusive access. A concurrent update was performed on this collection and corrupted its state. The collection's...
硬件环境:========================================== Linux raspberrypi 5.4.72-v7l+ #1356 SMP Thu Oct 22 13:57:51 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux donet环境:===================================== root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/ali_iot_service# dotnet --info .NET SDK (反映任何 global.json): Version: 5.0.101 Commit: d05174dc5a 运行时环境:===================================== OS Name: raspbian...
* **Dotnet Core Version**: N/A * **Platform**: N/A * **Product**: aliyun-net-sdk-cs * **Product Version**: 2.9.1 * **API**: Container Service All of the CS response models are empty, eg: